Feng Shui Relationship Scenarios
Relationship Scenarios at Home and Work
Feng Shui addresses non-obvious relationship scenarios that you have with your own physical space.
Where you live and where you work teems with energy, which some people call “qi.”
This energy, therefore, is supporting you or undermining you.
One goal in Feng Shui is to enhance the energy which already supports you. It may also diminish the energy which could be sabotaging you.
Once your relationship with your own physical space at home or work is more in balance, then it will make real life relationship scenarios with other people more harmonious.
This is a critical point: in Feng Shui, we are actually tinkering with an unseen magnetic field. Thus, trained consultants recommend ways to change its influence on occupants.
We are not just changing our attitude or how we use the space.
The Effects of Energies Where You Live and Work
You can think of your own home or work space like a radio station that both transmits and receives signals.
The trickle-down effect is that your own “feng shui” environment will influence the quality and quantity of your relationships with others. This includes everyone–family members, co-workers, pets, and friends. In fact, people in the West have been seeking out Feng Shui advice for a lot of reasons, but one of the top reasons has been to attract more love and romance.
As a classically trained practitioner, I have seen over and over that your physical environment really does influence love, romance and other types of relationship scenarios, personal or professional. Most of this energy or influence is not obvious to the naked eye. As an example, in the Flying Star School of Feng Shui, we can predict which houses might steer a couple toward divorce or other houses which attract a lot of sexual activity, just by knowing when the house was built and what direction it is facing! These are actually coordinates of space-time theory!
Adjustments with a Trained Eye on Solutions
The adjustments used to improve relationship scenarios can range from elemental objects added to a room, to even exterior changes outside in the landscaping. Sometimes a client can be informed about better sleeping directions or even a better house type altogether, if they are in the process of house hunting. There are a myriad of solutions and not just one way to address relationship issues. Just like people, some spaces have inherent personalities and they impose those energies on the people who live inside. Some houses are simply more conducive to good relationships than others. But just about every space can stand improvement to some degree
We cannot overestimate the importance of being in good, nurturing relationships. Often times, I go to a home or business where there are a lot of arguments. There may be deception or people simply withdrawing from their relationships and feeling isolated. Feng Shui works to correct the problems, so that naturally good interactions can replace the dysfunctional ones. Feng Shui consultants are not clinical therapists. For the cost of a consultation, it is impressive how much can be accomplished. A little time devoted to solving relationship scenarios can improve attitude, coping mechanisms, morale, and reducing tensions or misunderstandings.
You may wish to consider having a consultation to help improve all areas of your life, including our all-important relationships with others.
Kartar Diamond grew up in Southern California in the 1970’s and always had an interest in metaphysics and holistic lifestyle choices. She met Master Sang in 1992 became one of his senior graduate instructors from the American Feng Shui Institute. Kartar founded her own company, Feng Shui Solutions, and has advised thousands of clients and students about the healthful benefits of this still greatly misunderstood practice.