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Keeping Your Sanity in a Time of Political Unrest

Keeping Your Sanity in a Time of Political Unrest


by Susan Schueler

Volatile Mix of Political Unrest and Social Media

Political unrest seems very prevalent. The old adage about not speaking politics at polite gatherings seems to have gone out the window with our social media today. Regardless if you voted for Trump, think the current travel ban is protecting you from a terrorist attack, believe a wall between Mexico and the U.S. is a complete waste of money, or that Obama had a bigger turn out for his inauguration than Trump; one thing is certain, these are tumultuous times in the United States, and everyone has an opinion!

After recently reading some posts on Facebook that caused my hands to shake and sweat, all that encompassed my angry thoughts were “how could someone actually think like that?” My fingers started flying across the keys with angry retorts, but then thankfully, my non ego driven soul took the wheel. It asked me, ” Is this byplay between the two of us really going to allow him to see my side?” (N0.) “Change his opinion?” (No.) “Then why does this bother you so much?” Hmmmm, good question!


Political Unrest – A Projection of Our Reality

If one thing is true, it is that what we believe and feel is actually a projection of our reality. So until we decide to change this reality, our opinions are going to stay the same. Therefore, arguing with someone over what each other feels is right or wrong, is truly a moot point. Only we can change our own reality.

That being said, how do we move forward with social media today, and not let the opinions of others negatively affect us and our energy? Especially if you are like me and are very sensitive to the feelings of others, as well as the collective consciousness.


Reacting and Responding – Choose Wisely

The truth of the matter, however, isn’t really the issue between two people holding different opinions. The problem today deals more with how others (including my guilty self) choose to respond.

Here are some suggestions:


Put the ego in a “time out” chair.

That nasty little ego of ours always likes to feel it’s right. Like the spoiled child from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Verruca Salt; it needs attention that minute and will stamp its foot, drawing our attention to its demands in very loud and compelling ways. However, we need to remind ourselves, that these little ego-driven thoughts are not really who we are, but rather the fearful little child within all of us who needs to feel right to further feed itself.

Take a breath when this happens and engage with the true self, the soul. This is the place where love, not fear resides and the shift will be tangible. Then picture that person standing before you and wrap them in warm loving light, filled with positive energy. Thoughts have power, so spread positivity, don’t fan the fire of negativity.


Do not react!

Yes, you read that correctly. Regardless of what is written, do not respond if you feel inclined to do so in a negative way. Do not engage! It truly helps no one, brings down the collective consciousness and usually begins a whole storm of nastiness. Some people may feel they like to “debate,” but in reality it is only their ego’s need to feel superior because they fear someone may be smarter, wealthier, more privileged, etc., than they are. So many of us are so busy reacting, that we miss the real reason why we do this!

Take this energy and use it to look within, rather than outside of ourselves. Why do we feel this way? What caused this comment to push our buttons? Utilize these life experiences in a productive way to help us learn more about ourselves. These moments can be amazing learning opportunities for ourselves if we take advantage of them!

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new beginnings OMTimes


Do not add to the political negativity; choose your words wisely!

Of course we don’t need to only post photos of puppies and fairies, but use common sense when making posts and choose the words carefully. Sometimes things can get lost in the written word and may sound different than was intended, but other times it is pretty clear things were intentional. Back away from that ego’s need to feel superior and avoid being condescending or mean spirited with the remarks. Just because another thinks differently, does not make them wrong, merely different.


Let Our Oneness Reduce Political Unrest

As connected beings we are all one, and the sooner we begin to understand this, the sooner we will learn to disengage from negativity in social media. Our negative remarks to one another in times of political unrest are double-edged swords that point directly back at us. We are one, let’s start to act like we are.


About the Author

Susan Schueler is a natural-born psychic medium in the Los Angeles area who does mediumship and psychic readings locally and all over the world on Skype. She does live demonstrations in different parts of the country. Susan taught high school for almost 25 years, and has a very upbeat and enthusiastic approach. Find Susan’s live readings on the radio at KLLY 95.3 Bakersfield every Monday at 8 am (PST), or on “Angel Talk Tuesday” at OM Times Radio every Tuesday at 7 am (PST). Susan lives to learn and loves to teach others. Learn more at

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