The Abundance Code

Bring on Prosperity with Abundance Manifestation
We can all use a little prosperity from time to time. Many of us are very intrigued by the idea of ‘abundance manifestation’. We could also feel that prosperity may not be everyone’s game, or we are not skilled to magnetize as few lucky ones do.
Let’s consider the meaning of the word ‘abundance.’ Abundance is a sense of having enough and feeling happy about it. Abundance does not connote being ‘ultra-rich’ or becoming a millionaire or billionaire, per se. It is a state of contentment. And this ensures a ‘flow of uninterrupted energy’ into creative earthly pursuits and not-so-earthly pursuits in the spiritual realm. According to the dictionary, abundance can be described as:
a. A great or plentiful amount: an abundance of rain.
b. The condition of being in rich supply: bananas growing in abundance.
c. Degree of plenteousness
d. Affluence; wealth.
How Does One Manifest Abundance through the Abundance Code?
There are several ways to manifest abundance. Many of these methods have been developed, over time, into a variety of systems or codes to create a greater sense of satisfaction. These ways are listed below:
Meditation – the more relaxed and calm we are, the more we will be able to visualize what we want to magnetize in life.
Visualization – notice how we visualize things. Do we sense them or see them? Are they in color? How clear are they? We keep practicing until we experience a mental picture or sense of what we want.
Focus – We can also try focusing on what we want for several minutes and get comfortable with it.
Essence – When we are clear about the essence of what we want, we increase the range of possible forms and possible ways these could be drawn to us. Know the essence!
Feeling / Emotion – Let’s be specific about the feeling that the object, person, or place will give us, even if we are not very clear on the other details. Feeling the manifestation of our desires brings it to us.
Needs fulfillment – If we focus on the appearance or picture our new home in detail but are not clear on the functions we want that house to fulfill, we might get the appearance we thought we wanted, but find that in practice, the house doesn’t satisfy our needs. It’s important to know how the manifestation should serve us.
There is More to Inquire from the Universe
Thus, let’s consider a situation where we intend to materialize more money. We can ask the following questions before beginning the process:
- Whatever we think this extra money will give us – aliveness, peace, self-esteem – this is the quality that we need to develop to become more magnetic to money and abundance.
- Ask ourselves what it will give us that we don’t already have?
- What deeper needs would a larger sum of money satisfy?
It’s always good to magnetize what we want and to feel excited by it. If we are not prepared to have something, then we magnetize what we believe we can have, and leave the rest for later. Trying to magnetize something that does not motivate us – as a compromise – rarely works.
Once we start creating with energy and magnetism, we are going to get what we want easily and naturally. Congratulating ourselves when we are able to manifest our desires also sends a positive message to the subconscious.
Last, but not the least, there is a perfect state to manifest one’s heart’s desire. 1) Creativity, inventiveness, playfulness and spontaneous imagination are the best tools for magnetism. 2) Clarity about what we want and what ‘higher quality’ it will bring in our life. 3) Love and intend to have what we are ask for. If the process feels like a strain, that means we are putting out too much of our energy.
Balancing Energies Can Begin with Us!
If we channel too little an energy than it will not come to us or will take a long time to coming to us. If what we want seems more like a wish or a faraway possibility, it is likely we are using too little energy.
Abundance is a beautiful state to be in! It applies to a sense of contentment at all levels. Whether it is emotional, spiritual, material or physical abundance it all corresponds to a state of flow. The ways mentioned earlier help us be a conduit of energy at every level, so we are magnetizing from source. We must surrender the how, when, and where to the universal intelligence and let the rest flow. So, let’s go ahead and crack the abundance code, letting the magic begin!

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach from India. She is a member of Best American Psychics Team 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013 and Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 in India.