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How Divine Love Can Transform President Trump and Humanity

How Divine Love Can Transform President Trump and Humanity

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How Divine Love Can Transform President Trump and Humanity, From the Inside Out

The 12 Archangels Guide Our Evolution

According to an all-loving team of 12 Archangels who guide us in our evolution, divine love is the ultimate creative energy that we can use to improve even the most challenging situations happening in our lives. These ancient and wise heavenly advisers make it their mission to help human beings move through the biggest lesson of Earth with success and understanding. What is the most important lesson we are asked to master?

They say that here on schoolroom Earth we are asked to discover that we are creators, like God. We create using our thoughts and emotions. Only here on Earth, we are allowed to experience what happens when we create using thought and emotion based in fear (the lowest vibration). Creating with fear can produce experiences full of pain, suffering, lack, and mistrust in others. When we create with thought and emotion founded in unconditional, divine love (the highest vibration), we experience healing. This also includes abundance, connection with others, trust in others, and success in creating a happy life.


Transform the Fear with Positive Change

Personal success at creating lives we desire depends on our ability to transform what we no longer wish to experience. When we transform the manifestations of fear playing out in our daily lives, we don’t just help ourselves. We also create direct positive effects for the human collective, our planet and the universe. What helps the angels to help us be successful co-creators with God is a willingness to see unpleasant outer events as a mirror of something that must also be playing out within us.

When we want to change the world, we need to go within and find the negative, fear-based, beliefs that are coming to life on the big screen all around us. They show us how to work with this mirror by offering us the opportunity to transform any of the less-than-unconditionally-loving qualities being presented by President Donald Trump.


Heal Our Subconscious Pain with Divine Love

If we understand that we are more than who we believe ourselves to be in this life and expand our self-concept to include past lives and our ancestry, then our experiences multiply exponentially. Experiences that are smothered in fear tend to produce severe, negative beliefs that command us from deep within the subconscious. The subconscious is the “under world” that holds onto fear and the “hell” that we may have suffered in the past. The 12 Archangels share the message with humanity that we are all in a process of purging the negative past.

What we see in the actions of President Trump that look as if he is demanding that Americans return to an era of the past, is exactly that. This human male is a voice for the purging subconscious. If we do not like his directives, we need to step within our own deepest recesses to find, and transform, the fear-based beliefs of the past that he is supporting in his policies today.


How the Reflection Works

Here is how the mirror works, first begin by connecting consciously with the wounded aspect of your inner child self. The wounded child self will open the doorway into the most hidden caverns of your subconscious. Ask the child if you have any of the unwanted (negative) qualities found in President Trump or in his objectives. As you look into the mirror that he reflects back to you, understand that you are looking inside of yourself so that you can help transform what is being played out in the world.

This is a spiritual “reality show” that reveals the keys to global transformation. You will feel some kind of contraction, shortness of breath or dis-ease in your body as a confirmation that you have found the fear. Here is a short list of some of the possible fear-based reflections that you may discover.



~ Wounded child that felt rejected or criticized the mother

~ Wounded child that felt powerless

~ Narcissistic personality

~ Personality that had delusions of grandeur

~ Need to be the only celebrity, the brightest star on the stage

~ Limiting and fear based beliefs that support torture, banishment, abuse,

~ The super hero who desires to save the world as he/she sees it

~ Beliefs in punishment, inequality, loss of freedom, judgment of others

~ Disrespect of the feminine, (females, Mother Earth and other human beings different than one’s self)

See Also
Spiritually Prepare OMTimes

~ Greed and insatiable thirst for power

~ Lawlessness

The angels invite us to add to the list as we contemplate what we see not only in President Trump, but also in leaders that emulate these qualities and beliefs that belong in human history but not in the “Heaven on Earth” future that is our birthright to experience as children of God. Once we have our lists complete, we need to transform the fears with divine love. We can do this with intention or with the healing exercise provided by the 12 Archangels.


Healing Exercise:

Close your eyes and take in some deep slow breaths. See your self walk through a purple door and enter into the emerald green garden of your heart space. Look for the magnificent flowing fountain of white gold divine love energy. Step into it with your inner child.

Ask your child-self to call into the fountain of love all of the selves from this life, your ancestry, or from past lives that carry the negative traits or beliefs in your list. See all of the wounded, frightened, enraged, bitter, power-hungry selves dissolve in the white gold divine love.

Say, “I release the fears stored within my being. And I forgive even that which is unforgivable within myself. I am now a new reflection of compassion, acceptance, peace, unity, courage, strength, truth and joy.”

Breathe in the energy of the fountain of divine love. Drink it into every cell and molecule of your humanity!


The 12 Archangels Facilitate Positive Change

The 12 Archangels shower us with gratitude for our willingness to find the keys within us. These open the doors to facilitate incredible and fast positive change in our world. Invite the angels to illuminate the secret hiding places of fear within us, so that we can transform our selves. This effectively turns our world leaders and us all into peaceful, loving, divine beings who care about each other and our precious Planet Earth.

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