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Lee Harris – The Rise of the Lightworkers

Lee Harris – The Rise of the Lightworkers

Lee Harris

Lee Harris is a gifted energy intuitive, channeler, author, and teacher who is bringing an extraordinary new light to our rapidly-changing world.

by Sylvia Henderson

Lightworkers Find Greater Meaning with Insight

Lightworkers have an extraordinary role as part of the universal consciousness. Lee Harris is a gifted energy intuitive, a channeler, an author and a teacher, who is bringing extraordinary new light to our rapidly changing world. Leading a vibrant, on-line community, Lee Harris reaches over 200,000 people around the planet every month. His weekly energy updates, broadcast on YouTube, have received over 2½ million views to date and offer practical guidance for navigating daily life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism.

With his penetrating insights into the energetics of emotions, and teachings on how to integrate spirituality into daily life and grounded and practical ways, Lee’s private clients and retreat participants report profound shifts as they discover a new understanding of who they are here to be. His acclaimed energy mastery retreats and energy tune-up seminars held around the globe are adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving and awakening. Lee is the author of “Energy Speaks, Volumes 1 and 2”, the producer of more than 100 transformational audio and video recordings and is also an accomplished singer, songwriter, and soul-found healer.


Rise of the Lightworkers with Lee Harris

Sylvia Henderson: Lee, I am very excited because I think that you have been able to tap into some very important information in a very interesting time in humanity. How did the awareness of your intuitive gifts unfold for you?

Lee Harris: Well, it was a process that took place over several years. Initially, I believe my spiritual access or connection was coming through my creativity in my early years. Then, in my late teens, it started to change, and I had a few experiences with friends where it was fun to read tarot cards for them, even though I did not know what the cards meant.

When I was 22, I directly heard the voice of my guide, and that was not something I was looking for. I was on a train, and I heard those voices in your own head that you do, your own mind, and I was just going through the things that day that was on my agenda, probably telling myself things that I was very disappointed with and disappointed with myself about.

Then suddenly on the left there was this very clear, loving, strong voice that it took me about ten minutes to realize that there were two very different voices in my head, and this one on the left I had never heard before. So, I was a little unsure what was going on, but I did know about channeling even though it was not something I was seeking.

I started to write down what this voice was telling me over the next few months, and eventually I put the dots together to realize that it was my guide that I was hearing. But on some level I had had some level of access to them until that point. But there was a change, because I had been opening and developing my own intuition that facilitated that happening.

So, for a few years, I just shared it with friends. Then, after a period, a good friend who was a healer said you should be doing this for work, and I never thought that would be possible. I even doubted anyone would come, but I did 60 readings in the first 60 days and never looked back since.


Sylvia Henderson: I know you were getting this information from your guide; how did you step into your ability to channel information, and what is the primary message that they would like to share with humanity?

Lee Harris: Well, my guides, I refer to them as the Z’s, and the reason for that is the very first name that was given to me was Zachary. He was, like, we do not have names, but we know that you have names and need names so we will give you the closest thing we could give you vibrationally, my name would be Zachary.

Then in the years that followed, I met Ziadora and Zaphariah, who identified themselves as what we would understand as more feminine energy within my guide team. They explained that they were part of a collective of 88 energies that extended wider into source, and they refer to themselves as a voice of galactic consciousness.

There are some channelers who channel angels; there are some who channel extra-terrestrials. They basically said they are travelers who move between all of the worlds and they speak of themselves as a consciousness library. So, their main message, particularly for us as humans, would seem to be that the confines of this human experience, as difficult as that can be for us living in the third dimensional earth, even at this time that the other dimensions are opening up. They say that even though there can be challenges and contrasts that we experience as confining, that is why you came here. You came here to help raise the frequency and the consciousness levels of the planet and also have an experience for yourself.


Sylvia Henderson: Can you tell us why we are experiencing these shifts so profoundly within our emotional body and our physical body?

See Also

Lee Harris: Well, a couple of things that the Z’s will talk about is that we, as a planetary body and a human race, also the other species existing on the planet, we are all going through a real shift period. This, apparently, is a universal phenomenon, too, that a lot is changing universally and thus also on the earth. So, you see, from my perspective, you are seeing that mirrored right now in terms of what we see, particularly on a political, governmental basis. I am 40 years old, but even my friends in their 60’s and 70’s say they have never seen anything like this in their lifetime.


Sylvia Henderson: You did say that this is happening on a universal level and you also said that the Z’s are part of galactic collective consciousness, so can you talk a little bit about that?

Lee Harris: Well, the one thing that they are often talking about is that we as human beings are travelers and will tend to forget that. They say that when you incarnate throughout the lifetimes, you also incarnate across the galaxy. So, you can have different lifetimes as different beings, and this is something that is not touched upon I think. I mean, it is touched upon in certain communities on earth, but for the main, we tend to be shielded from the idea of the fact that we are part of a very vast Universe.

There are many different life forms. Interestingly, just recently, and this is part of the wave of change that we are seeing, I have noticed that wellness has come to light for all of us. The CIA and several government bodies around the world are releasing online evidence of UFO contact that previously many have been campaigning for to be released, but it has been shielded from the public.

So, what they say is that the universe is far bigger than we as humans have ever been allowed to understand. And they speak from that place of uniting as much as they can; the very differing worlds and races that exist in and around us, and what they do say is “As above, so below.” They say that just as on the planet there are those who stand for the light, and there are those who stand for consciousness, and then there are those who stand for conflict. They say it is the same throughout the universe that some of the same conflict energies exist throughout the universe. And so what we have played out here on earth is a very microcosmic experience of what plays out for beings across the galaxy.

So we took on the personality and the makeup of our families, we took on the personality and the cultural makeup of the time we were born into, and that becomes you as a soul-based human on the planet. So this is why when people meditate or have soul-based experiences. They feel very free, because their experience of the soul is so much wider than what we are focused on here on a day-to-day basis as a human being.

Yet, the Z’s will always say even though you are focused very intently on a very short period, relatively, you know a human life if you live to be 90 or 100 years, they say it is a blink of an eye. But we are so focused on it that we tend to forget the enormity of the universe, the enormity of a lifetime, and when we can reconnect to that and remember that it tends to take away the intensity, or the edge, of what we are going through down here today.

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View Comment (1)
  • What a lovely article! He’s so right. There is a major shift going on and? I feel it so intensely.

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