No Excuse Justifies Lying

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” ~ Mark Twain
On the subject of lying and lies, we have always valued men and women of high principle – those for whom integrity is held aloft as a standard. But we have seen our so-called leaders caught in many lies publicly in the news. This destroys our ability to continue to hold them in the same place of value.
Is There Any Excuse for Lying?
When it comes to lying, they are human beings such as we are. And although they seem to be held to a higher standard, what kind of standard do we hold ourselves to? Do we always exercise integrity, or do we permit “little white lies?”
What are some of the lies we tell ourselves? What kind of lying do we engage in to maintain some semblance of comfort and just jog in place, instead of being the change?
I Lost My Window of Opportunity.
We all know about “doing it later.” Later never comes, does it? You are consciously saying to yourself if you use this excuse “I don’t want to. I just want to sit here as is.” When it becomes later, will you feel more like doing it? I don’t think so. Nice was right when they adopted the slogan “Just Do It!” Right now is what you’ve got.
I’m Not Able to Do It.
Fear makes even small tasks look difficult. Push past the fear and you will discover it’s not hard at all. Your mind has lots of “Oh Lord I am not worthy or capable” in there, and you just have to call those ideas out for the liars they are. You won’t know if you’re capable or not until you try doing it.
I’ll Just Take this Little Break.
McDonald’s had us all believing “you deserve a break today” and, sure, breaks are necessary. But when the break becomes the habit, you have to ask yourself if this is the way to plan to handle your life. What about your plan?
Can you implement your plan while taking breaks? How important are your goals to you anyway? Isn’t achieving the goal reward enough, or do you have to have the break, too? You can see these work against one another. It is your choice.
“They” Have it Easier Than I Do.
Ah, they! When you look at any other human being, remember that you are seeing only one small snapshot of their life. You do not see what preceded that picture or what followed it. You don’t have enough information to know if they have it easier or not.
Listen, we all have obstacles and struggles. Thinking about how others handle things vs. trying to do it yourself isn’t rational. There are so many people whose obstacles are way worse than yours.
I’ll Let It Slide Just This Once.
A little allowance. One small slip. It is so very alluring and if you indulge it, your mind jumps on it and says “Ah ha! We got her this time. It’s a weakness in the chain and we can attack it more the next time.” If I were to indulge this “one little lie,” there would be no Change Coaching Institute, no Khalifé Enterprises, nothing. Be on the alert.
To Heck with It. I’ll Just Quit and Begin Over Someday.
Has “someday” come for you? We love the picture of a bulldog determinedly tugging at the toy he wants. He never quits. He will have it, by golly. Persevere. Persist. Continue. Never quit.
Every impediment is not a “Let’s Quit Now” flag. Take a deep breath, and then see what you can do to recoup your losses and plow forward. You could be very close to the success you dream of, so don’t stop working at it.
Telling yourself sweet little lies camouflages your fear, your doubt, your laziness – some lack you sense inside yourself. Take care of these lacks and you will never have to lie again. You can then hold yourself up for acclaim.

Known as the Oprah of the Mideast, Maria Khalife is an acclaimed television personality, executive and a beloved media celebrity in the Arabic-speaking world with diverse international audiences. She is the host and executive producer of top-rated network television and radio programs, magazine publisher, author, an in-demand motivational speaker, seminar leader and internationally recognized lifestyle and well-being coach.