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How About Your Success Path?

How About Your Success Path?


Success, Promise, and Purpose Come Together

Do you have the success mindset of living a life filled with promise and purpose? Or, have you been lead down a path that looks unhappy and hopeless? We know a few folks who view life through a film of gloom, an unwillingness to relinquish this mindset, and without work habits that will help them to change.


Do you have a dream? What Do You Want to Achieve?

Do you know what you want to achieve in your lifetime? If you are not clued in to your promise and purpose, here are a few questions to ask:


Do you know where (or on what) to lend your attention?

We live in a busy, hurry-scurry world. We are faced daily with looking at all these things tugging at us, so that we can categorize them into Must Do Now and Save for Later categories. One of the nice things about learning how to prioritize is that we learn those Save for Later items always come up a second and third time courtesy of life’s wisdom. So, we can know that at some later date, we can move them into the Must Do Now category. We will recognize when the time is right.


Am I generally positive or negative minded?

Earl Nightingale said, “You become what you think about all day long.” Take a long, honest look to see if you’ve developed a habit of positivity or negativity. That said, it is positivity that we need if we want to be a success. We all encounter roadblocks, but don’t let them get you down! In fact, do these blocks even deserve any attention at all? Why clutter up your mind with a negative inventory? If you’re focused on forward progress, swat them away as you would a pesky mosquito and keep on winning.


Do I see my challenges as problems or opportunities?

Problems can be a game! See how many ways you can find around or over those roadblocks, instead of creating a negative inventory of “so many roadblocks!” As we get into the full practice of swatting away negative thinking, we feel fabulous for assuming this control over our lives and success.

Negative challenges are character builders, and that is the main reason they are in your life. Don’t wish them away. Embrace them and use them to strengthen your character….and become more successful. Every event can be a step forward if you steer it there.


Can I see at least one next step?

Nothing happens until some action is taken. We’re confident you all know folks who talk a big story and never take one step forward, right? We can differentiate ourselves by taking those steps forward and not just talking about it.

If you ask your inner self, “What’s the next step I should take?” you will always get an answer. One step is all you need, because after that one, you again ask the question. Then you’ll be able to see the next step, and the one after that, and so on.

See Also

It takes great willingness to lean into yourself and trust those answers will come up. They always have for me. I’m confident they will for you too. Just trust. Then ask. Then act.


Do I know how to keep myself motivated?

Back in the first step, we talked about where to focus our attention. How strongly to you want to succeed? How willing are you to work on your success? Growing successful takes a myriad of small steps, very little procrastination, and a great passion for what you are doing.

The word discipline comes to mind, and discipline takes strength of character plus a system to remind us what the steps are for the path we choose to walk. Do you use colored sticky notes in your office, your car, beside your bed, or in the bathroom to remind you about your path? Do you ask your secretary to bring you daily task reminders, or add them to a schedule or calendar?


One Last Idea:

Is there a successful someone you so admire? Can you read about them to stay on track? If they are still alive, can you ask them to mentor you? Is there an accountability group or partner you can talk with that will help you toward your success? All of these can be part of our promise and purpose. You so deserve it!

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