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2017 Libra Full Moon

2017 Libra Full Moon

moon_growth_OMTimes 2017 Libra Full Moon

2017 Libra Full Moon – April 10-16, 2017

11:08 PM PDT / 2:08 AM EDT / 7:08 AM GMT

21 Aries 32 / 21 Libra 32


To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2017 Libra Full Moon, click the player below:



Astrology Forecast for the 2017 Libra Full Moon

OMTimes-Experts-Kathy-BiehlThe past month has taken you and your heart on quite the journey. What have you learned about attractions, desires, and values? The journey and the question are cresting now thanks to the 2017 Libra Full Moon.

The 2017 Libra Full Moon spotlights the energetic seesaw we call relationships. This year’s emotional status report promises to be more richly textured than the norm.

Every relationship is a balancing act between two people, or between the needs of the self and those of the union. That back-and-forth is likely to hit extremes now.

Watch for reactions and outpourings to be aggrandized and over-the-top, with a dash of the unexpected. Tensions may mushroom between the pull of a particular relationship or person and your own urge for free agency, dominance or simply being taken into account.


What is Due for a Shakeup in the 2017 Libra Full Moon?

Dynamics, ground rules and perspectives are in for a shake-up. Sudden changes of heart are probable, too. Credit all to bigger-is-better Jupiter being within shouting distance of the Moon and staring down Uranus, cosmic rebel, and advocate for alternate viewpoints.

Adding to the fun and games is the input pouring in from all over the time/space continuum. Relationships are always a carousel of baggage, to be sure, but what we’ve been experiencing lately transcends button pushing.

We’ve been revisiting matters of the heart and bank balance – from getting a fresh look at current involvements to reframing or resolving old ones — since their ruler Venus went retrograde on March 9.

Think of the existing relationships and agreements you’ve seen in a different light and reconsidered lately. The old friends and flames who’ve popped up in memory and actual contact. Talents, activities, and projects from the past that have reared their heads. Unfinished business you’ve encountered and dealt with (tax prep, anyone?) in the past month.

OMTimes Astrology Reports


Managing Retrogrades During the 2017 Libra Full Moon

We’re still processing as the 2017 Libra Full Moon moves into place and all these threads weave into the emotions welling now. The personal meaning of the retrograde, however, will continue to unroll long after this Moon wanes.

Venus is only days from stationing direct, on April 15. That date is between this month’s two Moons, both of which she rules: not just the 2017 Libra Full Moon, but also the Taurus New Moon coming on the 26th. Venus is, in effect, the cosmic hostess for April, with an influence that pervades the entire month.

What we value (including ourselves) will be an ongoing issue all month long, not merely in the situations and emotions coming to a head now. Don’t face the prospect with dread. It hardly spells doom.

See Also

We’ve been circling around a lot of this and building to what’s unfolding. Listening to your heart means honoring it; waking up can lead to embracing what you want (and maybe to actual embraces as well).


2017 Libra Full Moon and the Role of Venus

Likely this Full Moon will leave you feeling better, if only (only?!) about yourself. Ruler Venus is playing a bigger role than bringing issues of worth and value to the surface. She holds the promises of balm, resolution, forgiveness, peace and healing, too.

Venus is temporarily back in the late degrees of all-connected Pisces alongside Chiron, the wounded healer who embodies fully sinking into and mastering physical existence. Their teamwork has the power to dissolve and transmute the emotional harvest of this Full Moon, and the retrograde aftermath as well.

Everything you’ve discovered and explored during the Venus retrograde plays into the Libra Full Moon’s developments. The effects of your retrograde journey affect how you experience, process and move on from whatever happens now.

So, ride those seesaws. Let them careen back and forth. Get off the ones that don’t feel right. Sure, living on this planet means having to deal with other people. Your most important relationship, however, is with yourself.


For more info:

Watch Kathy’s Astro Chat about the 2017 Libra Full Moon at noon EDT Friday, April 7 on the OMTimes Magazine Facebook page

Get a handle on your relationships with her talk Intro to Understanding Relationships Through Astrology, live April 20 and afterward on demand.

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