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Bullies Aren’t Just on the Playground

Bullies Aren’t Just on the Playground


by Julie Geigle


Bullies, Criticism, Self-Talk, and More

We have more power over our lives than we realize and it all begins with our thoughts. Through our thoughts, we can either build ourselves up or tear ourselves down. Which are you doing?

Really take the time to pay attention to how you are treating yourself and what thoughts are popping into your head in regards to how you look, how you talk, how you act. Are you constantly putting yourself down and chastising yourself for what comes out of your mouth or how you look in the mirror?


You wouldn’t treat a stranger that way, why would you treat yourself like that? From this moment on make a purposeful decision to be kind and loving to yourself, and if that’s too much of a stretch for you just simply stop criticizing yourself.


Eliminate the Bullying Attitude

Anytime a bullying attitude or negative thought comes into your mind or out of your mouth about yourself say, “I CANCEL, CLEAR AND DELETE THAT TIMES THREE.”

Next, say each thought lovingly to yourself three times daily and watch magical things begin to happen in your life:

  1. I am my own unique self.
  2. I have unlimited potential.
  3. Events in my life are unfolding in magical and mysterious ways.

I promise that if you make a concerted effort to catch those negative nellies from flying out of your mouth or floating around in your mind it will change your life. You are a powerful manifesting machine and speaking ill about yourself poisons and blocks your best intentions for creating a life you love.


Bullies are not just on the playground; they are in your mind.

Rise and take back your power and stop being a victim of yourself. As you heal the bully in your mind you also heal seven generations of bullies behind you and seven generations of bullies to come. Talk about being the change you wish to see!

Speaking of change…expand your awareness with wonderful words:

omnific \om-NIF-ik\, adjective: Creating all things; having unlimited powers of creation. (source: Omnific also occurs as omnificent and omnificence, a noun.

See Also

Get those creative juices flowing because it’s time to step out and shine. Be all that you are because if you don’t, who will? No one, that’s who! There is not another person in this universe that has the same abilities, talents or skills that you have.

There is not another being that can smile like you can, or laugh like you can or shake your derriere in that adorable way that you do. You are a powerful, magnificent being who did not come here to be a victim. Leap into your Divine greatness and unleash your omnificence.


Angelic Reminders to Help Eliminate Bullies

Remember if you hear, see or feel it three times it means your Angelic Council is speaking to you. Listen, trust and take guided action to increase this beautiful connection you have with your Angels.



About the Author

Julie Geigle is an International Psychic Medium, Archangel Metatron Channel, Spiritual Counselor, and Awakened Healer. Julie is the radio host of “Angel Talk Tuesday” on OM Times Radio. Be sure to join our free Healing List and become a member of our Inner Circle to get free psychic readings and much more!

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