We Are All Mother Nature’s Daughters
by Mari Selby
Mother Nature’s Daughters Call to the Earth
Feminine leadership is coming to the forefront. Consider the following quote:
“And to rise out of the mush we have been caught in these 100’s of years and take flight in the air of the emerging new story. The many flowers of mind & soul we now enter are those that belong to all cultures, to what I call PanGaia. And as the butterfly pollinates and cross pollinates from place to place, flower to flower, so do we if we have the will and the willingness to be part of this extraordinary moment in time.” –Jean Houston
Natural Leadership in an Imbalanced Ecosystem
As Jean says, we are emerging into a new story. Our world has been out of balance for millennia. Can we stop another eco-disaster from occurring? What can we do to feel more powerful when media messages pummel us into powerlessness and submission? Do we really want to be a woman that is smiling all the time? A woman who smells fresh as a daisy, or has shining perfect hair? Being feminine doesn’t only mean being soft and nice.
Where in nature do we see images that are smiling, soft, sweet and nice? We see beauty everywhere, however, tornadoes aren’t nice. Hurricanes indiscriminately rip apart cities and the countryside. Tonight, the rain has been battering our gardens. Nature is in balance with ferocity and gentleness, compassion and survival, purification and growth. The cycles we experience in our bodies, the wisdom we gain from experience, our passions, tell us that we are mirrors for, and daughters of, Mother Nature.
Embracing Feminine Leadership Power
As we become more aware we can see that conscious, radiant feminine leadership has the power to set the world to rights. Becoming a feminine leader means emulating the balance in nature while feeling more joy, and more pleasure in the moment. As women leaders, we offer empowerment to all who we touch. Being a leader can mean saying “No,” meaning “No,” and standing on your “No.” Leadership can mean being the best Mother you can be. Being a leader may mean daring to do something you have been afraid of doing for fear that you won’t do it well the first time out of the box.
Leadership may mean discovering your role models and being guided by their example. Being a leader may mean stepping out in the community to create a community garden or more recycling for your area. Leadership may also mean running for an elected office to have your voice and those people you touch heard. Being a leader may mean allowing your imagination room freedom to explore and create. Leadership comes in as many forms as we do, and is only limited by our imaginations.
Mother Nature’s Daughters Born to Lead the Way
Despite a persistent myth, no one is a “born leader”. The qualities of leadership are in every one of us. Some people are blessed with the nurturance, encouragement, and support to fully embody their leadership qualities. Too often, as women, we either turn to our fathers, lovers, husbands, and brothers for approval. Thus, we bury those innate qualities of leadership and courage.
We may struggle to recover those qualities through desperation, or despair, or tribulation. Or we women can “pass it forward” to support each other in our process of stepping out into the world and daring to show our passions. We can be mentors for each other, we can form supportive networks to light the way for others women. As Benjamin Disraeli said, “The greatest good you can do for another is not just sharing your riches, but revealing to them their own.” As Mother Nature’s daughters, we can embrace our leadership role.
About the Author
Currently the director of Selby Ink, a publicity, and marketing firm, Mari promotes authors to develop name recognition through traditional publicity efforts as well as social media. Selby Ink specializes in the genres of body, mind, spirit, relationships, environmental issues, and social justice. www.selbyink.com
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