Seeking New Boundaries – Is That Your No or Mine?

So many of us seek to define new boundaries. It seems to happen all the time no matter how we define our world or even our larger cosmic universe. When we get right down to the words we use in setting various boundaries, it can be very enlightening.
One of the first impressions of seeking new boundaries, to me, was in history class. Remember studying the great explorers who sailed on mighty vessels? Names like Magellan, da Gama, Balboa, Drake, and Hudson, are all in the pages of books for pushing the boundaries of ‘known existence.’
Broadening New Boundaries of the Mind
Speaking of books, there are plenty of examples written of some fantastical stories that push the boundaries of the mind. Wild imaginings by Lewis Carroll of Alice going down the rabbit hole stick with us to this day. Books and stories of fiction in the skilled hands of the writer can take us on wonderful journeys beyond our limited experiences and the boundaries of our imagination.
And those imaginations happen naturally. Add mind-expanding substances (such as Ayahuasca), drugs (such as LSD), or alcohol and other substances that can be smoked, and our mental boundaries can be bombarded by all sorts of images, energies, and archetypes. If we stay conscious enough to explore them, of course.
New Boundaries in Science and Cosmic Events
Today, there is more connection being found in the new boundaries of science and matter. Music and frequency teach us we can push the limits of what we feel or sense we can do. Different tones elicit feelings on a spectrum of experience from discord to healing. With the right intention and regularity, sonic boundaries can also help us feel better physically and emotionally.
“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” –Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
We look beyond our Earthly dimension with ever-improving technology. We can think more cosmically about the boundaries of not only our world, but our universe. Consider all the phrases we have: “boldly go where no man has gone before” (Star Trek), ‘break the glass ceiling,’ (women’s rights), ‘push the envelope’ (aviation).
A favorite place to watch videos on YouTube is Suspicious Observers, where they keep an eye on our Sun and the energies it emits. Presenter, Ben Davidson, interprets various scientific images for viewers and how they might affect our planet. He ends with a regular sign-off: “Eyes open, no fear….”
Personal Boundaries: From No to What We Know Now
It is these personal boundaries we can examine next, and what we say when we do not want anyone to cross them: ‘NO.’ We come to an agreement of sorts, where others’ boundaries do not have to be ours. We put our foot down.
On the most intimate level, when we say ‘no,’ we mean it. No matter what the other person may think they know, there is a ‘no’ in the middle of it. Therefore, we ought to have no fear about using the word and defining our boundaries.
Even with plenty of definition here, all the laws, agreements, definitions, and frontiers, these are all subject to change. Influences, energies, and imaginations take us all to daring new dimensions of understanding…and what we know. So, we seek new boundaries…all the time and timelessly.
Another impulsive word also has the word ‘no’ in it: Now! Might this be the point of ‘no’ return when it comes to limitation–the timeless, mindless, experience ‘now?’ When it comes to seeking new boundaries, it may be all right here, right now; if we go, beyond the ‘no.’ May pioneering courage and mindful change be ours in the year ahead.
Kathy Custren, OMTimes Magazine Senior Editor, strives for balance in life with a deep respect for all. Interests include education, elements, nature, humanity's cosmic origins, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Connect with "Consciousness Live" on WordPress and the community page "Consciousness Live" on Facebook. Read more at Mindblogger: