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Time for an Intuition Tune Up

Time for an Intuition Tune Up


Learn to make the most of your intuition!


Know Where Your Intuition Will Take You

When you are aware and know how to tune-in to your own intuition, this can be one of the most important spiritual tools to have at your disposal for the many pathways that life may offer us. Listening to your inner guidance system and the whispers of your heart and soul will lead you to many successful, inspiring, and life-changing experiences and wonderful “soul adventures!”


Tune Up Your Intuition with These Methods:

“Trust Your Gut” – We are the equipment, we are the compass; so, pay attention. No matter how good something looks, if it doesn’t feel right…Walk away!

Garbage In – Garbage Out – Detox the body, improve the diet, rest, hydration.

Dream Journaling – Write first thing in the morning and within minutes of waking up.

Practice a creative art – Painting, playing guitar, sculpting, write a book.

Lose yourself – in movies, music, plays, and dancing.

Have a positive, inspiring, uplifting mantra or daily affirmation.

Go on a much-needed date with Mother Nature – Nature is our greatest teacher.

Mindfulness – Master the inner ego, judgment, and opinions of the world.

Meditation – Spend time in silence (listen and silent have the same letters).

Take notice of your surroundings through your five senses. Improve the “sixth sense” and intuition by enhancing and improving the “known” five senses.

Work with external tools such as an Oracle, Tarot, Numerology, Angel, Shamanic, or Animal Totem decks and cards.

Test Hunches – Weather forecasts, head to the horse track, play along with the TV show Jeopardy, or other game shows to see who will win for that night. Write down a prediction on world events or upcoming information that would make the news, good, bad, or indifferent.

Daily routines of life – Slow down; take the time to disconnect so that we can make the time to reconnect. Being too busy in life makes it very hard to be sensitive and hear the quiet voices of intuition, and whispers of our heart.


Practice These for Inner Wisdom Alignment:

Use past experiences as a learning tool for the future – How did those experiences make us feel? Heavy? Light? Negative? Positive? Look at the details of the situation in the past and also reflect on how the human “radar” system responded based on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual triggers. Did you heed the warnings through feeling, thinking, hearing, or “knowing?”

Feel into the experiences – The mind chatter or a bunch of “drunken monkeys” in the mind will never turn off or stop arguing with us until the day we pass into spirit, and leave the physical body. Intuition tends to work through feeling and moving past the fearful and analytical mind.

Engage in Motion – Tai Chi, Yoga, Qigong, Movement Flow, General Exercise or Weightlifting, Diaphragmatic Breathing, Gyrokinesis, Pilates, Nia Technique, MELT Method, etc.

Practice being in your “observer” body and not your “ego” body.


See Also
H. Rider Haggard

Additional Alignments to Tune Up Intuitive Skills

Align to Values – Find a “soul tribe,” community, or like minds. This will help, support, and mentor, while assisting in becoming more comfortable and confidant in intuition. The mind can steer us away from the spiritual path, values, goals, and our integrity; however, intuition never will. What does real intuition feel like? How can we behave and act in alignment to our values, goals, aspirations, and what we want for our lives through “true” intuition?

All humans have the gift of intuition and its close relatives are inspiration and gratitude. Therefore, it is no coincidence that “inspiration” contains the words “in spirit.

Intuition is very subtle and does not yell at us. ‘Silent and Listen’ have the same letters, just spelled out differently. Are you listening?

True intuition, gratitude, and inspiration flows to us from the spiritual, quantum realm or universal wisdom of the unseen world. Hence, develop “an attitude for gratitude,” with much positive thought and actions as possible.

Pay attention to patterns and cycles in your life. As the old saying goes, “what we resist…persists.”


Intuition Has No Expiration Date

Very often, all of us humans are trying to access our own intuition to gain answers, knowledge, and wisdom while we travel the many roads of life. Life can bring a range of different issues, choices, and experiences. These can range from something very immediate in life to something more specific, such as relationships, career aspirations, or moving to another location in the world. Intuition has no timeline or “expiration date,” so have patience. Listen often, observe much, and practice daily in getting to know the voice of your own intuition.


“The concepts of spirituality are typically the physics we haven’t understood yet.” -Nassim Haramein

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