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Are You a Wellness Adventurer?

Are You a Wellness Adventurer?


Try These Holistic Healing Methods

For some wellness adventurers, we don’t feel right, but we just can’t identify the precise cause or condition. We know, however, the root is not entirely physical. Physical ailments would send us to a medical doctor. But our malaise is not just psychological or emotional, either. To address those issues, we’d need a psychotherapist.

What we feel might be described as a knot in our center, slowing us down, making us feel heavy. We have enough not to mask our symptoms with chemicals or even natural supplements. We realize that what we really need is a healing; not a cure, not a bandage. Ideally, we seek a treatment (or treatments) in which body, mind, and spirit converge.

Whether we are novices, experienced seekers, or simply curious explorers, we are ready to investigate non-traditional routes to wellness. Here is a helpful guide. The effectiveness of holistic healing hinges on the premise that modalities will work best when aligned with our particular personal needs.


Wellness Adventurers May Opt for Chiropractic

Chiropractic, is “a therapeutic system based primarily upon the interactions of the spine and nervous system” ( The premise is that the body knows how to heal itself so without invasive seizures and harmful chemicals, the fluid along the spine works to heal and aligned the body. When a chiropractor adjusts somebody, whether it is a quick edit, harsh crack, or a gentle pressure such as a network chiropractic, it prompts the spinal fluid to flow properly and integrate those areas of the body that are not working optimally. Insurance companies usually cover a limited number of visits per year.

Network chiropractic, developed by Dr. Donald Epstein, addresses matters of higher consciousness using a much gentler approach than traditional chiropractors, usually the simple finger pressure along significant spinal points which pressure prompts the body’s automatic responses. The Network motto is, “Healing your world, one spine at a time.” Network chiropractors report client reactions as integrated spiritual awakenings, involuntary waves of movement, and spontaneous vocalizations to release negative energy.

You can find chiropractors certified in this specific method through a web search here:


Energetic Healing with Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Cranio-sacral therapy, relates to a modality practiced by trained massage therapists certified in the field. Considered a “cross between chiropractic or osteopathic maneuvers and hands-on healing,” it is both relaxing and transforming. It involves balancing “the pulse of energy that flows between our head and pelvic area.” This equates to a balance between the crown and root chakras and all points in between. Even though it involves traditional massage education, training centers consider it an ‘intuitive technique.’ This form of therapy elicits profound changes in both physical health and mental clarity.

For more on Cranio-sacral therapy, visit this link:


Acupuncture & Acupressure Work with Energy Flow

Acupuncture and acupressure work with the body’s energy flow along the Chinese meridians or pathways that lead to health; the channel through which “chi,” or energy, is transported through the body. When it flows unobstructed, we experience health and wellness; when it is blocked, we feel symptoms of physical distress. Working on these points balances the flow of chi in the body. Acupressure is just the application of manual pressure along those same meridians. Specific acupuncture/acupressure points in the body correspond to multiple physical ailments and have been successful at helping people overcome addictions such as smoking or overeating.

See Also
digestive disorders OMTimes


Reiki Results in Relief

Reiki, a Tibetan method of hands-on healing discovered in the early 20th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, uses “Universal Life Energy” to heal body, mind, and spirit. The” “KI” in Reiki is another name for the “chi” that moves through the meridians and chakra points in Chinese medicine. Some practitioners place hands on the body while others work in the aura or energy field. Within moments, the client’s breathing slows and deepens, inviting meditation or sleep, as it clears energy blockages to promote wellness. A full Reiki session on a massage table lasts an hour. Many spiritual centers offer evening Reiki circles as an introduction to the method. Reiki can also be sent via distance.


Ayurveda Brings Together Body, Mind, & Spirit

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian form of holistic medicine that also operates on the body-mind-spirit continuum, understanding that none of these operate independently of the other. It classifies people into three types or “doshas,” each exhibiting distinct characteristics; in each person one dosha is dominant. A method specific to that dosha: diet, herbs, detoxing, and oils, treat imbalances in the body. Ayurvedic spas and retreats have gained popularity. Physicians undergo five years of training before practicing this method of “complementary medicine.” The best-known practitioner in the field is Dr. Deepak Chopra.

All holistic healing methods, whether invasive or subtle, aim to restore our balance. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Other modalities to explore include re-birthing, fire walking, sweat lodges, and shamanic healing.

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