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Ask Whitedove

Ask Whitedove

Ask Whitedove Michelle Whitedove OMTimes

Michelle Whitedove: Ask The Psychic

Dear Whitedove,

I’m curious about the information that you may have about the use of marijuana. My Father is not open to hearing any positive aspects because he’s so preoccupied in his outdated belief system. Wondering what “Spirit” has to say?


Our creator made every plant with purpose and the cannabis plant has been cultivated since ancient times even before the written word. It’s an extremely versatile plant with many positive applications for humanity.

Hemp, the low level THC variety of cannabis was an important agriculture crop and known to be used in ancient Egypt and China. It had been in continual use globally as a natural and renewable resource used for textiles, canvas, linen, paper and rope until it was outlawed in the1930’s. Hemp was known to be stronger and superior to cotton. Imagine how many forests could be saved with hemp used as the main source of our modern day paper products?

During the Great Depression smoking marijuana was increasing. After the outrageous propaganda campaign “Reefer Madness” it became a witch hunt. Criminalization of marijuana followed and the hemp farms stopped production too. The new laws caused a black market industry and the rise of drug cartels. When marijuana was classified as a schedule 1 drug and listed in the same category as heroin this caused long term jail sentences for many and reinforced the lie that marijuana is a hard drug. When actually it’s a stress reducing drug and the negative side effects were of sluggishness and excessive snacking. The stigma of smoking marijuana was fabricated and promoted which is unenlightened and an outdated mode of thinking. In fact there is a whole culture that uses cannabis to expand their consciousness and heal the mind.

Once a vilified drug, science is now rediscovering the importance of cannabis, CBD hemp oil and tinctures, as medicine and possibly medical miracles in the areas of seizures, tumors, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), cancer, fibromyalgia, eczema, Crohn’s Disease, multiple sclerosis and certain neurological disorders.

As a food, the nutrients of hemp seed are known to be a nutritionally complete food source: so much so that global hunger could be eradicated because life can be sustained with a handful of seeds.

Cannabis is God’s green grass that was put here to sustain humanity. We as a global society should champion its amazing benefits, push forward with medical testing, reduce laws and increase hemp production for paper goods. Natural solutions and herbal medicines are a God send – literally!


Dear Michelle,

See Also
samsara OMTimes

I love people and animals and I want to learn how to see an Aura. Hoping that you can give me some tips.


The AURA is your electromagnetic force field, it’s the light of your soul emanating from within. You can train yourself to see auras with a little practice. Start with trees, they have a robust aura. Sit outside when daylight is fading because it’s difficult to see the light of an aura in bright sunshine. Clear your mind, open your heart and from a distance look at the tree bark. Within an inch of the bark, you will begin to see the white aura that outlines the tree. Practice daily until you see it. Trees don’t move so they are great subjects to study first, whereas animals are always scampering about.

Then begin to study people as they are sitting around. It’s easier if they are against a solid color wall so that you can look at the area surrounding them. You are looking for a shadow made of light. In the beginning, you may only see a faint white light, but the more you practice then you’ll see the light in colors. People emanate a variety of rainbow colors in different sizes. Enjoy!


Celebrity Psychic & Spiritual Medium Michelle Whitedove is an expert in her field and she has been featured on HBO, Bravo, Lifetime TV and interviewed by Matt Lauer on the Today Show.

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