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Numerology Speaks: How Did Facebook and Twitter Become a New Way of Connecting?

Numerology Speaks: How Did Facebook and Twitter Become a New Way of Connecting?

Facebook Twitter Numerology OMTimes

by Greer Jonas


Energetic Numbers of Today’s Social Media

The success and popularity of your business can have an effect just based on your alpha/numerical numbers of your name! Take Facebook and Twitter – both names have a “connection” theme based on the Pythagoras system of numerology. Together, they have invented a new “virtual” environment for people to converse to each other, the world of Social Media.

As a numerologist and innovator, I am often asked this question: “I just started a new enterprise and want a business name that is powerful. Where do I begin?”

Answer: The first thing I tell my clients is to examine what message they want their new company to convey. Only then do we look at the ideas for different business names and calculate their numerological value. Yes, the name needs to pop, but it also needs to have integrity.

Let’s take the two social media innovators, Facebook and Twitter.

The Pythagoras numerology method is based on the alpha-numerical chart below, using the numbers 1-9. Each number has a meaning. The most important number for a business is the “expression number. Here are their charts.


Facebook and Twitter Numerology Chart by Greer Jonas
Numerology Chart for Facebook and Twitter



FACEBOOK – Designed to Bring Things Together

Back in 2004, Mark Zuckerberg and Harvard colleagues conceived of the online phenomenon that created a way to talk to family and friends without picking up the phone. It was to be a virtual place for college students to talk and share information about each other quickly online. Facebook was born with a name that spelled out a new type of “home” for people – social media through the internet.

Facebook’s expression number is a “4” according to Pythagoras. (See above chart). Fours are all about building and putting things together. It is the square, the home, logic, everything having its place. What a perfect fit as “Facebook” offers a “home” or “page” for each person who wants to join or visit another friend. And they can invite others to “friend” them. They can share pictures of their family or rants about politics. This new home need not have any human contact.


See Also
Address Numerology OMTimes

TWITTER  – A Unique Way of Expressing Ourselves

Before the popularity of the smart phone, Twitter was created by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone in 2006 to text quickly what they want to say. Kind of like a bird tweeting a message, was the gist.

In Pythagorean numerology, Twitter has a 7 expression – the 34/7. Seven is a very different vibration from the “home.” It is not friendly.

Seven is the spiritual, unique non-conformist that prefers to hide and study rather than be open and sharing. Thus, Twitter becomes a “code”, a mystery, a unique way of speaking. And they coined the phrase “tweeting.” It is not very social at all. It is a shortcut to express yourself, with a limited number of characters and hashtag. Twitter is popular, especially among the young folk, (and certain political figures) to pass the message in the fastest way. Spreading the word and the message without human contact.


My Two Cents on the Changing Landscape

Long gone are the days when people read thorough excerpts and analysis, or even talk to each other on the phone; sigh. We have a new “speak.” And with the iPhone, well, texting instead of calling becomes the preferred expression. The popularity of Facebook and Twitter really says a lot about where we are heading.


About the Author

Greer Jonas is a numerologist, teacher and artist for over 25 years living in New York City. She conducts numerology readings over the phone, Skype, and in person, and teaches classes in New York City and Connecticut as well as online.
(I promise, you will receive real human contact with me on the phone or in person.)

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