Turning Your Biggest Problems into Successes

Turn your problems into successes!
Struggling to Find Successes in Life?
We hope this doesn’t come as a shock to some of you, but there just isn’t any such thing as a pain-free, problem-free life. We hear about Nirvana, and Xanadu, and Camelot. These places do not exist in nature. They are man-made fantasies, and they still come with challenges.
It’s important to get a grip on the challenges in your life. There’s a good reason they are there. What is there now is what you are capable of handling now. Famous basketball coach, Pat Riley says that “If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.”
It’s wise to develop a way of looking at your problems – your challenges – so that you can turn them into successes, wisdom, and great strength of character.
Turning Life Problems into Successes
Admit to the Problem.
It’s okay to say “This is a huge challenge. It frightens me and I’m repulsed by it. I don’t want it here.” And then begin to look for ways to solve it. It won’t go away without your solution, and you’ll grow in wisdom and grace as you work through it.
Release Your Fantasies and Deal with Right Now.
You cannot wish away the challenges in your right now experience See what creativity you can express in a solution. Change is seldom a piece of cake, but if you let go of your fantasy “I wish it was like this,” you make your tasks easier. It takes hard work to let go and to refocus on a solution, but you’re worth the effort.
Don’t Take Your Problems Personally.
It isn’t sinful to have a problem regardless of what anyone may think about it. They are there to strengthen you, and to develop your character. You may, however, be judged on your reaction (or the lack of it) to the challenge.
Journal About Lessons Learned.
Every challenge will teach you something. Start looking for the lesson, because if you don’t learn it the first time it appears, it will come again until you do learn. Keep track of what your lessons have been. “Life is a schoolmaster,” St. Paul says, so we might as well love the learning.
Whining and Blaming Won’t Serve You Well.
You might have the habit of asking, “Why me?” Asking that, however, doesn’t solve anything. Find a better question, like “Do I see one small step out of this mess?” Create a list of questions that will move you forward, not jogging in place. If you’ve developed a habit of blaming another, while you’re pointing at them, you’ve missed the other fingers pointing at you.
Be Satisfied with Small Steps Forward.
There are very few moments where “a giant leap for mankind” fills the bill. Normally, it’s those little bitty centimeter steps forward that are the norm. You will always see one next step. Take that one and you will also see the next. Never quit taking those small steps forward.
Life’s experiences are designed to make you stronger. The challenges in your life are specific to you and they are there because you can resolve them. If you ignore them or you sidestep them, they will come again and again until you step up to the plate, own the problem, and find its solution.

Known as the Oprah of the Mideast, Maria Khalife is an acclaimed television personality, executive and a beloved media celebrity in the Arabic-speaking world with diverse international audiences. She is the host and executive producer of top-rated network television and radio programs, magazine publisher, author, an in-demand motivational speaker, seminar leader and internationally recognized lifestyle and well-being coach.