3 Tips to Forgive and Forget

by Julie Geigle
Is It Difficult to Find Forgiveness?
Has someone wronged or hurt you? Been insensitive or inappropriate?
If that weren’t bad enough, then the mental mind keeps replaying the story over and over in our head until the body oftentimes becomes physically ill. How can a person break this cycle of pain?
The #1 rule to forgiveness is to understand: It is never about the story, it is always about how the story makes a person feel.
3 Tips to Forgive and Forget – Move on with Love
Here are three tips on how to forgive and forget so you can move on with love in your heart and joy in your life.
1. Be vigilant. When the mind keeps wanting to drag you back into the story be prepared with a mantra or prayer to stay grounded in your power.
It is easy to lose oneself in the story of pain, but we all have a story it is part of being human. Utilize all the tools and resources available to get out of that hole. YouTube has some great free videos to help shift a person’s energy. Many spiritual teachers offer free meditations and classes to expand our thinking. There are great movies out there to uplift and inspire us.
The mind’s automatic response to pain is to keep repeating it over and over in the head trying to make sense of it and rationalize who did what and why. While there is some value in processing the experience so it doesn’t happen again, the mind tends to hang on much longer than necessary and often to the detriment of one’s health.
This is why being on guard like a soldier with positive affirmations can mean the difference between a miracle or more of the same.
2. Be a victor, not a victim. Victors rise in love. Victims stay stuck in pain. Choices allow freedom. Choose again.
Sometimes being a victim gets people a lot of attention, even if it is negative attention. Be careful to only tell the pain story one time. Repeating the story again and again to anyone who will listen can be a sign that there is a payoff for staying stuck in victim mode.
The good news is that we can choose again at any point in time. Tell your story (one time only), feel the pain, and then brush yourself off and keep moving.
3. Disconnect. Every time the story pops up imagine anyone connected to the story filling up with white light and exploding out of your energy field.
When we are in the pain of a story the energy of the people involved is in our energy field which is part of why we obsess over it in our head and can’t seem to get it out. By using this simple imagery tool, it will help cleanse the auric field of any negative energy and any unhealthy cords associated with the story so that a person can truly stand in their power once and for all.
When a person doesn’t forgive, they punish themselves with what happened repeatedly in their head. It is the thought that keeps a person imprisoned in pain. It is the thought that keeps the pain alive. And with the thought of this pain, they spend energy hating the other person.
Forgive and Forget – To Live Again
When a person forgives, the thought of what happened releases them. It no longer has any power over them; they are truly free.
When a person forgives, they can go back to loving themselves. There are no longer any thoughts about other people hurting them. When the thought goes away, the pain dissolves. So, forgive and forget; set the story free and live again.
About the Author
Julie Geigle is a gifted channel of Archangel Metatron, a 4th generation Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer. Book a private session with Julie at heavensenthealing.us, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly radio show, and purchase guided meditations. Watch Julie Wednesdays for a free psychic reading at 9 a.m. CST on Facebook live hosted by OMTimes Magazine.

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