Illumination: A Crystal Meditation with Animals

Try this crystal meditation to help you connect with your animals!
Crystal Meditation Fosters Animal Communication
People and animals are natural intuitives, and can also benefit from doing a crystal meditation together. Animal communicators are intuitives who telepathically converse with animals, thus allowing them to express and release their inner feelings and thoughts in ways that everyday consciousness doesn’t permit. While animal communication sessions are fun and enlightening, a significant part of the communicator’s work is healing. Releasing trapped emotions is, therefore, a primary healing experience. A useful exercise in learning animal communication is meditating with your animals.
As animals themselves are natural intuitives and empaths, our domestic animals often naturally absorb some of our human burdens to lighten our load, even when this is clearly not our intention. They buffer the most traumatic and difficult times for us, often providing shelter for us during our most challenging circumstances: loss of a loved one, divorce, joblessness, hopelessness. Their very presence is energetically healing, soothing our hurt and anger, nursing our wounds. It serves them well when we recognize them and give them relief. Here is a crystal meditation that will help both you and your animals shed unwanted sadness and accelerate your vibration.
Crystal Meditation with Animals
For this meditation, you will need a quartz crystal or a clear photograph of one.
Take a comfortable seat alongside your animal companion and get ready to raise your vibration. Play some relaxing meditation music to deepen your experience or use this link to Celtic meditation music:
– We begin with slow rhythmic breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose to the count of four, hold for four counts, release through your mouth for 8 counts. Repeat four times, slowly, feeling yourself relax more deeply with each round of breathing. Your animals will follow your lead and relax.
– Visualize this crystal in front of you. With each breath, see it get larger, expanding. See it as tall as your knees. Watch it grow. See it as tall as your shoulders. Keep breathing. In, 4. Hold, 4. Release, 8.
– See it grow taller than you. Now visualize it the size of a house. Move closer with your animals. Look at the crystal until you find a door. When you spot the door, it will open for you. Enter with your animals
– As you stand inside the crystal with your animals, feel the temperature. Is it cool? Warm? Comfortable? Touch the walls, tap the floor Look up at the point and see the rainbow of colors. Feel the high vibration inside this space. Walk with your animals around the base of the crystal. Allow them to sniff and feel the energy. Notice their energy posture.
Envision Removal of Negative Energy
– Look in front of you and see a staircase. With your animals, begin to climb the steps, stopping on the third step. One….two…. three. Look over your shoulder behind you to the bottom of the stairs. Now, remove all conscious negative energy from yourself and your animals: illness, discomfort, fear, anxiety. Close your eyes for a moment and see how much of what your animal carries is yours. Take this and place it on the steps behind you. The healing energy will transmute it.
– When you are ready, begin the ascension again. Count step 4, 5, 6. Stop on step 6. Breathe in deeply and fill your entire body with the healing energy of the crystal. Feel it lift all debris from you and your animals. Place your hand about an inch above your animal’s head and move it slowly down his body to the tail. Wherever you feel a rough spot or temperature change, let your hand remain in that spot until the rough patch dissipates. This will clear out stale that causes physical ailments.
– Continue ascending. Count step 7, 8, 9. Stop on step 9. I am going to give you a word and your immediate response will allow you to clear long-held emotions. Don’t think about it. Just whatever name, picture, or idea comes up, acknowledge it.
The Word is Sadness
– Trust that whatever comes up needs to be brought forth: a thought, a name, a place, a feeling. Acknowledge it without judgment. Don’t dwell on it. Place it on the step.
– This is critical for your animals, particularly those who are rescues and who have experienced trauma. Hold your hand above your animal and think “sadness.” Call forth all the residue of sadness your animal has retained. It might be theirs; it might be yours. Let it go. Leave it on the step.
– Now move up to step 10. This is the point of the crystal where you see rainbow colors. Notice the pink energy. This is the energy of love. Stand in the flow of pink energy. Keep breathing. Take in the love. Move to the 10th step. Feel lighter. Feel unburdened. See how much lighter your animals feel, how relaxed they are.
– When you are ready, notice a door at the top of the crystal. It opens and allows you and your animals out, back into the everyday world, cleansed, healed, loved. When you are ready to return, tap your feet, tap your fingers on the desk, and come back. Try this crystal meditation with your favorite animal to foster greater spiritual connection.
In future columns, we will address animal communication and carry out animal communication readings for readers. Please send a photo of your animal along with your animal’s name, age, and issue on which you would like some clarity.

Rev. Lisa Shaw, OMTimes Magazine Spirituality Editor, is an animal communicator, intuitive reader, clairvoyant, and Reiki Master working in metaphysics since 1986. She has an M.F.A. in writing and recently completed an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry with a specialization in loss and healing. Lisa is an award-winning English professor and has served as a hospice chaplain. This gives her sacred glimpses into the space between life and death. She devotes her Reiki practice to animals, and specializes in end-of-life issues people face with their pets.