The Heart and Science of Yoga – Leonard Perlmutter

But there’s good news. The habits you have created are not permanent constructions. As Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world . . . but in remaking ourselves.” Thought channels are always works in progress. They can be altered. Many are very beneficial; but unless you consciously acknowledge and monitor your debilitating information highways, they may grow stronger. And over a lifetime, those negative tendencies increase your bondage to pain and suffering.
OMTimes: How does meditation solve that problem?
Leonard Perlmutter: The American Meditation Institute (AMI) meditation process provides a reliable, systematic method for creatively rewriting the out-of-date, limiting and debilitating software of the mind. When you sit regularly for meditation and consciously give your attention to a mantra, that mental activity creates new, healthy channels in the unconscious mind that provide you reserves of love, fearlessness, and strength.
If the mind becomes restless during meditation, it’s never a problem. It’s an opportunity to transform previously debilitating energy into a positive form. If a distracting thought enters your awareness, and it will, your job is simply to honor, witness and sacrifice the competing thought and lovingly direct your attention back to the mantra. Two important consequences follow. First, because you willingly give up your attachment to a distraction in favor of the mantra, that previously attractive thought-object returns to its channel of origin in the unconscious mind in a weakened state, and the depth of its channel diminishes subtly. Second, as you redirect your attention to the mantra, you’re deepening a new, healthy mantra channel. This will provide you what’s necessary to make every relationship rewarding.
OMTimes: I’m beginning to see the idea of science at work here.
Leonard Perlmutter: Yes, AMI Meditation is an engineering science. Each time you sit for meditation, you’re re-engineering both the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind. Meditation makes the brain more responsive to your ever-changing needs and frees you from the stress and painful consequences of fear, anger and self-willed desire.
When you can place your attention where you choose, you’re developing the freedom to think and respond in new ways. The implications are astounding. You can actually become the architect of your life!
OMTimes: You’ve given us a lot to think about.
Leonard Perlmutter: The practice of meditation is really very simple. Whenever the mind begins to wander, gently bring your attention back to the mantra. Learn to deal skillfully with your stray thoughts, and they won’t be able to bunch together into debilitating compulsions–like lust, dread, resentment, jealousy, judgment or guilt. Remember, stray thoughts have no real power until you give them repeated attention. Without the power of your attention, thoughts cannot propel you into action.
OMTimes: Do you have any additional suggestions for new meditators?
Leonard Perlmutter: Yes, thank you. Remember that none of this knowledge about re-engineering the hardware of the brain and software of the mind can benefit you until you begin to experiment with it in your everyday relationships. So, I urge you to take the first step. Learn to meditate from a qualified teacher who represents a time-tested lineage. I guarantee that when you start meditating and employing the skills of one-pointed attention, discrimination and will power, you’ll feel better in every way. You’ll be able to think more clearly, creatively and confidently–knowing that no thought or circumstance will ever again have the power to overwhelm you. You’ll start living in real freedom. How will you recognize that you’re free? You will know it in the same way all meditators know: you’ll experience the first great freedom–the freedom from fear.
To connect with Leonard Perlmutter, or learn more about The Heart and Science of Yoga, visit:

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