How to Magnify Your Material Strength

by Tony Samara
“A lack of wealth is simply an opportunity in disguise.” –Tony Samara
Money and Material Strength Have Deep Roots
Money is not the root of all evil. It is more what money does, rather than money itself, that creates the negative circle of desire. It may be better said that the lust after money is the root of all evil. If there is no evil, then this lust after money is the root of all the confusion we face in today’s world, along with the personal suffering it creates.
When we desire money to fulfill needs, we forget that we can daily fulfill these needs by trusting, loving and sharing. This works better than spitefully keeping large amounts of money, or other forms of material wealth, in our pocket.
If we use the material to evolve in a more balanced way, we realize that money is just another aspect of the energy that we are made of, made visible in a form that we can more easily relate to. Our energy takes on many forms like love, compassion, and well-being in this physical world. If money becomes an extension of this, then it can be another form of abundance.
Abundance Helps Us Experience Life in Beautiful Ways
It is not bad to have more love, or more time, or more space, or more resources that help us to experience ourselves in a more beautiful way and that help us to be freely abundant. It is good to enjoy the gifts of nature such as good health, pure air, sunshine, and the amazing beauties that are free for everyone to experience.
As we free ourselves, we free our thoughts to occupy a new space and notice things that seem invisible to others and by ignoring what once got in the way of such beauty we can focus on the beauty itself.
Financial barriers can pave our road to success but only if we believe and trust ourselves to walk on this road by being helpful to others and thus creating more abundance in the energy field that is around us and the sense of who we are.
Acknowledging Abundant Universal Quantities
If we focus on manifesting money alone, this limits the real abundance that the universe can provide for us. If we look for personal quantities to put into our pocket then we miss out on the abundant universal quantities that are there to be shared, as they will not fit into our pocket. This is one of the greatest gifts that we can acknowledge.
When we acknowledge this, you will attract others who can and will help us reach our goals as we help them reach theirs. Being of service is the secret to success.
We get what we want from life by helping others get what they want. By being of service we exchange abundance with others. This then becomes manifest in appreciation and betterment of our fellow beings. Also, in a material sense, we manifest one of the most beautiful laws of nature: those who serve most get most.
If we face each opportunity with a desire to serve others by helping them to reach optimum health (for example) rather than focus on the money, then this amazing law creates abundance without effort.
The Motivation Behind Material Strength
The motivation of material strength for many will often be just money. But for real success, the motivation must be to love what we are doing. We must believe in what we are doing, and want to share what we do with the world.
This is very logical. If love is the most powerful universal force, then it must strongly link with all aspects of who we are. This includes financial abundance; if our goal is love, money will flow like water.
The greatest blocks to manifesting such levels of financial abundance will no longer be a hindrance once we become unafraid of sharing our depth with others freely. We will embrace the world we live in and be part of it in a more abundant way. The energy field will no longer magnify any shortcomings that you have believed in.
We will magnify our material strength as we become more generous to ourselves and to others. We will share in the joy and well-being that each wonderful opportunity creates. This is true for ourselves friends, family, colleagues and people we meet in a world of potential and abundance.
About the Author
Tony Samara, world-renowned spiritual teacher & author of 16 books, has been sharing deep spiritual work & energy transmission for the evolution of consciousness for over 25 years. Combining meditation, detoxing the body, a plant-based diet & a simple lifestyle, he is best known for how his work touches more deeply than words.

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