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5 Reasons Why Having Patience Is Hard

5 Reasons Why Having Patience Is Hard

patience OMTimes

by Cori Savenelli


Practicing Patience is Not Easy

Reactions to being forced to have patience range from simple annoyances to down-right anger. Here are some reasons why and how overcoming the displeasure of being patient and looking at it differently can change your life.


Patience Forces Us to Be Present Without Certainty

It can be difficult enough being “in the moment” (while mindful and centering ourselves) while engaged in routine. Throwing uncertainty into the mix creates an open space in our energy for anxiety, worry and possibly depression.


Patience is Inconvenient

Our human “being” likes to know what is happening. It likes to prepare and get ahead. We want things to be very convenient with as little stress as possible. So, we associate patience with inconvenience.


Patience Can Sometimes Lead to Assumption

Who among us has never fell victim to engaging in assuming, whether regarding a relationship, a financial situation or another person’s motives. Having to be patient for something creates the potential for thousands of assumptions about the conclusion of the event or situation.

Our range of theories span from the probable to the ridiculous. And it fills our heads and spirits with confusion and frustration. Thus, having patience can to unintended stress.


Patience Takes Away Our Power and Control

Sometimes emotional, psychological or even physical pain can be a direct result of waiting. In situations where patience is required for something meaningful and personal, our survival and protective instincts kick in and we are tethered by an energy of helplessness, particularly involving anything that will greatly impact our lives. With this sometimes comes a feeling of being potentially thwarted in some way. It can create an unsettling and nervous atmosphere for ourselves and those around us.


Patience Makes Time and Creates Space for Options

Sometimes people don’t like to have too many choices. Those who adhere to the notion that destiny intervenes can often become uneasy when there is time to “choose.” Patience creates an unsettling feeling around loss of control, but also around too much control.

Consider this scenario: Man applies for dream job; man waits one week; another job opportunity presents itself; man waits to interview for the second opportunity while waiting for the news of the first; another week goes by; man interviews for second job as a back-up; man is offered second job. Now he faces a choice. Does he accept the job or wait around for news about the first? Choices can be just as frustrating as not having any.

See Also


Patience Versus Impatience

These are a few of the top frustrations around “patience” and I am sure there are many more. But why is it so important for us to be patient? Why is it a so-called “virtue?” The symptoms of impatience are catalysts for personal growth if we accept and harness the lessons.

Impatience will impact each person in a way that is specific and personal. The lack of control of control, abundance of control, hurried lifestyle, lack of mindfulness or presence, need for extreme routine or propensity for indecision, will be poked at and challenged in a meaningful and universal way.

There is also a more spiritual directive concerning impatience and control that suggests that by gaining self-control, which is the foundation of most of these symptoms, outside forces affect us less. Our fields become clearer, and our spirits more enlightened. The difference between self-control and control concerns the way we handle outside situations. Having self-control will ultimately determine how we handle delays, patience and uncertainty. It is through these daily practices that we become more aware of ourselves and how we impact others.


About the Author

Cori Savenelli is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Lecturer, Writer and Spiritual Counselor. She is currently authoring a new book of her compiled articles and essays while doing workshops and private readings. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and loving dogs. Find her online at and on Facebook at Cori Savenelli, Mystic and Spiritualist.

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