9 Tips to Ensure the BEST Mediumship Demonstration Experience

Make the Most of a Mediumship Demonstration Experience
With spiritual awareness becoming ever more present in today’s world, mediumship galleries or sometimes referred to as platform demonstrations are more popular than ever. What is mediumship demonstration? Mediumship demonstration is a gathering in which people come together as a group to witness the evidence and miracle of the afterlife as provided by a medium, spirit communicator. The intention is for the medium to deliver evidence that provides evidence of the afterlife. There are many ways to make our experience enjoyable and fulfilling.
Here are 9 tips to ensure the best mediumship demonstration experience:
Going with an open mind. Attending a gallery event with an open mind is by far the most important tip. Having an attitude that anything is possible opens the doors for the spirit world. With an open mind, we will be able to acknowledge the evidence and creates endless possibilities for our loved ones to communicate with us.
Claiming your loved one. This one may seem obvious, but we can sometimes forget to claim our loved ones in spirit. As audience members, we may be afraid to raise our hand to the evidence being presented. Yes, it all makes sense we think and we can take this fact and that memory, yet we do not raise our hand. When this happens, we create a chance to miss that message from our loved one. We must do our part by raising our hand when the information connects and trust that the medium will know if that spirit is for us or not.
Remembering psychic amnesia. We can all experience psychic amnesia. The medium says a name and we draw a blank. Not sure if we know that name to only realize later that it is our name! It is understandable, we are excited and nervous! Before attending the event take a moment to run through all the names (including nicknames) of family and friends. This will help reduce the potential of psychic amnesia. Memories can also fall prey to psychic amnesia so brushing up on those special moments may just create the ultimate spirit connection.
Additional Tips for the Best Mediumship Demonstration
Solving a puzzle. When mediums receive information it is like pieces to a puzzle. Sometimes it is a simple flash of a picture or a word they hear. Rarely is it a full picture, description and as fluid of a conversation as in the physical realm. Understanding that the medium is working with pieces to a puzzle rather than the full script can help when validating for the medium.
Validating. Validation is an essential part of the mediumship process. Validation helps build that bridge between the physical world and spirit world. Giving the medium the sound of our voice will help raise vibration and keep that connection with the spirit world strong. Using our voice will also lend to the community bond of an event. Sharing is the most beautiful part of the connection.
Letting go of testing. It is easy to find ourselves wanting to test the validity of the connection. We may find ourselves going to an event saying, “if it is really them, they will mention X, Y or Z”. When we do this, we are testing the spirit world and creating pressure. Even if we made an agreement with a loved one prior to their passing to mention a specific word, they simply may not say it once they cross over. It does not mean they are not present, but there is a limited amount of time and spirit is doing their best to work with the energy of the medium. By releasing expectations and simply enjoying the connection and experience is the only thing our loved ones want for us.
More of What You Need to Know for the Best Mediumship Demonstration
Piggy Backing. The medium is giving evidence. Yes, we think! That is my loved one! Then, the medium goes to someone else with the evidence and we are thinking, “No! This is my loved one!” When this happens, it’s called piggy backing. This is when two spirits are very similar in personality, traits and habits and come in together as a team. Since it would be impossible for all the spirits to come through individually at an event, they team up. We are all connected and so is our spirit world. The spirit world is incredibly intelligent and they are sure to get through in any way they can to make that connection to their loved ones in the physical. Mediums work differently. The wonderful part about mediumship demonstration is the variety of styles between mediums. Each medium has their own personality and way of working that they bring to the arena. Embracing the uniqueness and individual style of a medium will help us enjoy the experience. Each medium has a purpose and respecting their method of connection lends to a successful experience.
Have fun! Yes, we miss our loved ones and when we attend a mediumship demonstration with no expectations we are opening ourselves to witness the miracle of spirit. The afterlife fills with joy and love. They simply want us to have that same experience here in the physical world and to remember they are always with us.
Understanding that spirit communication takes a bit of adjustment. When we can go with an open mind and release our personal expectations, we can all celebrate the miracle that is before us as a community.

Colby is a rebel and trailblazer. Not your stereotypical psychic. She’s an internationally recognized Psychic Medium, Master Teacher, Author & Public Speaker. Colby has endured vigorous testing and is a Certified Master Spiritual Teacher of both Psychic and Medium thru the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development in Los Angeles, CA (LWISSD).