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Examining Our Love Affair with the Self

Examining Our Love Affair with the Self

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Are you having a love affair with your Self?

Have a Love Affair with Your Self!

We all long to let our soul live our life and not need to wear any masks while dancing joyfully in the rain. Learn to embrace your natural being, the being within, by refusing to live in the default mode anymore. Start “living” your daily spiritual practices rather than doing them!  Have a love affair with your Self!


We are humans with a Spiritual Being

We all long for our soul life! A life that is natural without any masks. It is only when we dance in joy when drenched in pouring rain and feel happy for no reason that we touch that cord that connects us to our natural self, our spirit soul. That is who we truly are, naked like innocent children.

We are all called “human beings.” However, it is our humanness that is mortal; our “being” is immortal. Hence we are all humans with a spiritual “being.” The sole purpose of human life is to take a pilgrimage from human to being, from mortality to immortality. The poetry and dance of life happens when we are humans, aware and conscious of our great responsibility of flowering into enlightened oneness.


Living in the default mode

Awareness is a continual process of our inner culture. It is to find the flow and flow with it. When we are aware, our steps are like a dancer; our strokes on a canvas of life are like a painter’s. We become the co-creator of our own destiny.

But instead of being aware of the potential of our natural being, our minds usually jump into the default mode no matter what the external situation. By default we are robots, reacting without awareness. With awareness, we recognize our divinity. We recognize we alone are unique in creation; our search for the source of the eternal and infinite dance of creation is perennial and we never rest until we reach to that pinnacle of realization, for that is our innate human destiny.

How do we reach for this highest pinnacle of realization and get out of the rut of living in the default mode? By meditation, prayer, yoga or loving surrender, whatever practices work best for us. Our practices are only the stepping stones to the realization of our inseparable oneness with all that exists.


Living our practice vs. doing our practice

We may have been practicing (doing spiritual practice) for quite some time, now is the time to assess the next level of awakening to “live our practice.” “Doing” often results in being ritualistic. “Living” most often leads to revelation. Doing could be mechanical, another act of regular routine, robotically, but living is vibrant with the elixir of life, as it springs from the root of the being within.

When we start to live our practice, the unseen hands of the divine become visible to our naked eyes! We are awed; we are in a state of inner dance! It is a shift of consciousness that flows out of our long practice, regularity, and most importantly, loving efforts. When we add life to our practice, the practice will turn into a live experience!


Making Our Practice Come Alive!

Let us first realize that this body of ours is the most exquisite creation gifted to us only to meditate and feel every part, every organ, every cell, every molecule, as a flow, a dance. Let us appreciate ourselves first. Let us glorify the gifts that we already have.

Let the day flow with the dance of self-appreciation and self-love, your love affair with your Self. Let our dependence on the external give way to a joyful life of pure independence and spiritual freedom. This is the secret of our happiness!!

See Also

Let us maintain a journal of our evolution of consciousness from the caterpillar state to butterfly state! We are here to fly, to soar, to have what we need but receive it all effortlessly, as life energy flows through us and manifests its infinite dance of creativity. Let us clean up our divine conduit through meditative practices and enjoy being awake and aware. That is enlightenment.


We Are All Parts of the One Whole

We are the parts of one whole. Even if we plunge as a diver into the very oceanic depth of our own physical body, we will find trillions of cells functioning there. We are individuals but are all knit together in a seamless dance of continual festivity that is life. All the parts, all the sparks, all the cells, join in harmony that is life. Let us accept this reality and as a part let us always contribute to the wellness of the whole, which is all of us.

The evolution of consciousness demands each of our participation in the process of reshaping the destiny of humanity. In spiritual practice we need to affirm this positive thought that we are inseparable from the whole, hence, our awakening to the world of love and joy cannot be in isolation. When we breathe with awareness and see the presence in everything around us, then the whole Nature dances in joy and we hear its resonance in our inner being!!

As we bathe in that cosmic energy, bask in it, dance in it, we are in the utter ecstasy of divine bliss. Once we realize the need to connect to our deepest source within, we will come to know what we have been missing all through our life. It is our love affair with our Self!

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About the Author

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India): Globally acclaimed motivational teacher (mindfulness meditation, stress reduction) author, peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012) Visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. (Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015).
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