Intuition On Demand

How do I make my intuition happen when I want it, on what I want it, rather than have it happen randomly?
How do I know it’s my intuition giving me a message and that I’m not just making it up?
How do I get more detailed and meaningful information from my intuition?
Book Spotlight – Intuition on Demand
Written by Lisa K., Ph.D.

Has your intuition been giving you messages but you don’t know what they mean?
Do you find it hard to trust your intuition because you think you might be making it up?
Would you like to have intuitive guidance at your fingertips, but you’re not sure if your intuition is working at all?
Do you want to have more understandable information from your intuition?
Intuition On Demand can help you fix all these problems once and for all. If you’re in control of your intuition, you can find the right answers to questions such as: Should I move? Where should I go? Who do I pick to be my friend, spouse, doctor or lawyer? How do I fix the difficulties in my relationship? What should I do to improve my health? Why am I stuck in my career?
When you finish reading Intuition On Demand you’ll be able to make your intuition happen when you want, on what you want and get detailed information. You’ll have an education and understanding of intuition so you can get instant intuitive guidance for all your important life decisions and know what action to take that will give you a better outcome. You’ll always be assured of the best course of action to take to feel safe, comforted and calm.
Lisa K. Ph.D. developed these methods and technique to help her become a sold out intuitive reader and one day save her life. Developed from years of research, training and experience, Intuition On Demand provides a step-by-step technique to help others, like yourself, to develop your intuition from scratch – discover the intuition development map, Lisa’s signature “Intuition On Demand” technique, ways to reprogram your thinking, intuition worksheets, practical exercises and much more.
For more information, or to purchase Intuition On Demand, click the book cover or visit
About the Author
Lisa K. Ph.D., is a teacher, author, and speaker on intuition. She has taught hundreds of people around the world intuition development. Lisa holds degrees in Engineering from Columbia University and Psychobiology from the State University of NY as well as a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Sciences. For more information go to:

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