Mastin Kipp: Claim Your Power

An Interview with Mastin Kipp: Claim Your Power
Mastin Kipp is a number one best-selling author, speaker and life interventionist for people who are seeking rapid transformation in their lives. Does this describe you- you’re constantly busy, working hard, trying to achieve your perceived goals, and yet you feel like you’re getting nowhere, you’re easily distracted, frustrated and uncertain about your life’s true purpose? Is there a way to turn this around, greet each new day with energy, excitement, and intention and not only find financial success but personal satisfaction and joy?
Mastin Kipp, says that, in 40 days, you can turn your life around, find abundance and happiness by finding your life’s purpose and living it. He has been featured on the Emmy Award-winning show Super Soul Sunday and recognized as a thought leader for the next generation by Oprah Winfrey. Mastin Kipp has built a highly successful international personal development company that helps people create rapid change, connect to who they really are and how to live their lives with passion and purpose. Through his writing, online courses, in-person seminars and international retreats, Mastin has worked with more than 2 million people in more than 100 countries around the world. Oprah recently also named Mastin one of 100 Awakened Leaders who are using their voices and talent to elevate humanity alongside other teachers such as Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and Eckhart Tolle to name just a few.
His book Daily Love: Growing Into Grace is a national bestseller and a viewed number one on Amazon, which is quite an achievement.
He joins OMTimes this week to discuss his brand-new book Claim Your Power: A Forty Day Journey to Dissolve the Hidden Blocks that Keep You Stuck and Finally Thrive in Your Life’s Unique Purpose, and he taught me how to get that out in one breath.
Mastin Kipp Interview with Victor Fuhrman
Victor Fuhrman: Mastin Kipp, this is a great honor to have you with us.
Mastin Kipp: Well, it’s a pleasure to be here, and I’m excited to talk to you about purpose. It’s my favorite thing to talk about, and I’m jazzed that you’re jazzed about it.
Victor Fuhrman: So, Mastin, you were born fully aware and awakened, knew your purpose and pursued it with a passion, right? Please share with our readers your story and your path.
Mastin Kipp: Exactly. I had it all figured out ahead of time. No, not at all. As Deepak Chopra says, every sinner has a future, every saint has a past.
I went to Los Angeles, California as a young kid and was in the music business and got very successful very swiftly and picked up a lot of bad habits and addictions very quickly and then kind of came crashing down very fast. It led me to ask the question, “How did I get here?”.
And that question I’ve been asking now for about 15 years has led me down a personal development path.
Eventually, it has become this very full-time thing. I’ve also gotten very clear on, sort of what my unique contribution is to this world of personal development. The Claim Your Power book is really the functional life coaching process in many ways of how to really, really identify the hidden blocks that are keeping you stuck and how to get crystal clear on what those are so that you can really get success quicker. One thing’s for sure is that when you discover your purpose and you bring it to life, that’s when real abundance comes. That’s when joy comes, fulfillment, the things that we really want to come.
Victor Fuhrman: Did you have a dark night of the soul, and just talk about what that was like.?
Mastin Kipp: Yeah, I have a different, completely different term for the same thing. I call it a divine storm. The intensity of your divine storm is sort of directly related to how stubborn you are or aren’t or maybe how obedient you are or aren’t to your own intuition.
A divine storm is a time in your life where everything seems to be against you. You could call it a dark night of the soul. That’s another term for it. But, it represents this process of death, a dying and then a resurrection. The purpose of a divine storm or the dark night of the soul is to realign yourself with your purpose and to pay attention to the signs that life and your intuition have been sending you and really start to, align with that. And the faster you align with that, the better.
Victor Fuhrman: Have you ever contemplated working with school systems to develop a curriculum for kids to find their purpose?
Mastin Kipp: I haven’t done that, but I would absolutely do it. But, I also think that it would have to be a sort of a very progressive nature because most school systems, are not really set up to do that. Like, it’s really the opposite of that. It’s finding out what makes you unique. So, the system would have to change dramatically I think for that to really come into full effect.
Victor Fuhrman: A lot of us have amazing dreams and desires, and yet we procrastinate. Why?
Mastin Kipp: Because procrastination keeps you alive.
Victor Fuhrman: Is that the fear of death, also, huh?
Mastin Kipp: Yeah, all survival patterns end in, and then I’ll die. So, procrastination, not following your intuition, playing small, perfectionism is the fear of failure disguised as a high standard. Not following your intuition, addiction, staying in toxic relationships, distraction, information overwhelms, getting lost on Facebook or Instagram or, being a sort of information overload.
One of my favorite procrastination things is like the six months quit your job timeline. If you’re telling yourself you’re gonna quit your job in six months, you’re completely BSing yourself because six months is just long enough away where it feels like all survival patterns boil back to at some point then I’ll die. That’s the unconscious belief.
Victor Fuhrman: What other stumbling blocks do people create for themselves on the road to passion and purpose?
Mastin Kipp: Oh, man, how much time do you have? I’ve worked with thousands of people one on one, and I’ve seen patterns, and I’d have to be an idiot at this point not to be able to figure out and determine some of these patterns.
Like a lot of the neurotic patterns I see are just coping mechanisms to survive – stuttering, a lot of different mental disorders. It’s like a way where someone’s trying to cope for significance or trying to cope with feeling that they’re enough on a certain level.
Pretty much anything that you could imagine will prevent someone from moving forward. Some of the ones that are popular today are the standard ones, procrastination and the ones we’ve talked about, perfectionism.
Victor Fuhrman: What prompted you to write Claim Your Power?
Mastin Kipp: The way that I develop content is like Claim Your Power was created over the course of a decade. I wanted to write a unique and effective framework book that helps people get faster results. I’ve been putting this stuff together and teaching it at high-end events and retreats and seminars for a long period of time now. And I finally have gotten to a place where I feel confident in the frameworks and the results, and it’s ready to be released to the world.
And so, after, doing this work for years, it’s time to bring the book forward so that I can reach more people with the framework that’s been created and really change as many lives as possible.
Victor Fuhrman: How long did it take you to write it?
Mastin Kipp: Well, two 28-day sessions spread out over about a four-year period
Victor Fuhrman: What’s your anticipation about Claim Your Power?
Mastin Kipp: I have a completely different expectation for it. On my last book, I was really like–I wanted to hit New York Times, and I didn’t. I was in so much pain about it, I said, “Mastin, like what’s up with that, this is not normal.” And I realized I had a lot wrapped up in that identity.

Rev. Victor Fuhrman, MSC, is a healer, spiritual counselor, and author whose deep, rich, compassionate and articulate sound inspired the radio handle, “Victor the Voice”. A former armed forces broadcast journalist, Victor Fuhrman is a storyteller by nature and an inspiring public speaker. He brings unconditional love, compassion and a great sense of humor to his ministry. Victor is the Host of Destination Unlimited on OMTimes Radio, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM ET.