How to Withdraw from An Old Continuity
Are you stuck in an old continuity?
by Crystal Presence
Change from Self-Defeating Continuity to Greater Freedom
In times of major change in the world, we find ourselves looking for ways to stabilize and humanize our lives. We know we are entrenched in an old continuity, yet find ourselves wondering if “this just how life is.” There is also is a deep-rooted fear that shifting our continuity might threaten our survival. We also know that whether the change is physical, mental, or emotional, we experience withdrawal. In this case, we experience withdrawal from a self-defeating continuity to a context of well-being and living freedom.
In a culture promoting lack of connection with self and source, we yearn for a new context of living. Fortunately, there are many ways to shape our lives. Not only can we choose to survive, but also thrive. Many visionaries refer to this shift as “being in the culture, but not of it.” It requires the ability to observe, be present and willing to be making new choices of how we think, feel and take actions in our lives.
The Continuum Concept and Human Culture
Jean Liedloff, the author of “The Continuum Concept,” spent several years deep in the South American jungle living with the Stone Age Indians. Her experience changed her perception of human nature. She noticed how her own culture had also lost much of its natural sense of well-being.
Jean commented, “I seldom had a clear sense that these people were of the same species as ours. The children were uniformly well-behaved, never fought, were never punished, always obeyed happily and instantly.” The children also co-existed amid strong, busy central figures to whom they were peripheral. Not surrounded by stressed-out adults who are trying to control their behavior to seek acceptance and approval from their culture.
In the quest for appropriate experiences, more and more people are making the quality of their lives the highest priority. They are following their inner guidance while allowing the details of their vision to be revealed as the old continuity dissolves, resolves and evolves. Also, they know if they continue to deny their internal guidance they may find themselves in the middle of a crisis (i.e. getting sick, having accidents, getting a divorce, etc.). They understand that crisis is often a way to get a multidimensional kick in the butt to make the changes they have been wanting.
How to Withdraw? We Must Be Fully Present
Withdrawal from an old continuity requires deciding and being fully present. In a state of sobriety, we build power and release ourselves from thinking we are powerless victims of our continuity. We can, therefore, make powerful choices, focus, keep our energy in motion, shift our perceptions and realize the truth of how our lives can really be.
We can experience the joy of a new context living by releasing ourselves from the old self-defeating continuities, such as:
~ Isolation
~ Obsessive work
~ Emotional reactivity
~ Thought patterns
~ Drive for success
~ Lying to self and others
How to Embrace a New Continuity
In what ways might we seek to embrace a new continuity? Consider:
~ Give ourselves time and space to establish new pathways.
~ Release stored emotions, tension, toxins and other by-products of holding back.
~ Keep breathing through moments of discomfort.
~ Ask the powerful question: What is the nature of experiencing the most beneficial context of living for myself and my world?
~ Connect with self and our source. Embrace the greater intelligence within us. Let it guide us to all we need.
~ Move, vibrate, circulate and release any tension and contraction in our bodies, emotions, and minds. Open the space to change old self-defeating beliefs and perceptions, while releasing reluctance and resistance.
~ Notice, integrate and act on what is working. Allow the process to unfold in its perfect timing. External changes happen on an energy level first.
~ Remember that pushing against hooks us to the problem instead of releasing us to the resolution.
Additional Ways to Embrace a New Continuity
~ Being curious about the continuities of other cultures.
~ Get clear on what makes us feel happy, free and fulfilled.
~ Connect with others who are wanting the same context of living that we want.
~ Love ourselves, no matter what the evidence.
~ Trust the process.
~ Focus on what we like about ourselves and our world.
~ Embrace and draw upon the wisdom from our past. Release any guilt or held resentment.
~ Be aware of any secretly held control plans we use to prove that our old continuity is working.
~ Keep it simple! Addictive continuities make our lives feel complicated powerless to change.
~ Remember that the parts of ourselves we tend to deny and repress are usually our greatest strengths.
~ Inspire ourselves with music, inspiring talks etc.
~ Spend lots of time in nature.
~ Be 100% (not 99.99%). 10 seconds of suspending thoughts and holding on can make a shift.
~ Be aware that just before a change is about to happen, we may be tempted to hold back.
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About the Author
Crystal is a certified expansion guide, facilitator, coach, and author. Her passion is exploring the leading edge of consciousness and has been active in the healing and transformational arts for the past 49 years. Crystal’s inspiration created a five-day integral event called “Freedom at the Core”. Her mission is to create a safe, fun and nurturing space for people to discover what stands between suffering and the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual freedom they desire.
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