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René Locklear White: The Gathering

René Locklear White: The Gathering

René Locklear White

Volunteers with Sanctuary on the Trial hope that through coming together at “The Gathering” to showcase the native way of life, they are moving forward as a new people – a new tribe.


“I am a firm believer that most historians are wrong when they credit Christopher Columbus for coining the word “Indian” because he thought he was landing his ships in India. In 1492 there was no country known as India. Instead, that country was called Hindustan. I think that is closer to the truth that the Spanish padre that sailed with Columbus was so impressed with the innocence of the Natives he observed that he called them Los Ninos in Dios. My spelling may be wrong of the Spanish words, but the description by the padre means something like “Children of God.” By Tim Giago The Name “Indian” and Political Correctness



Reflecting on our ancestors, René Locklear White added that we are dancing the dreams and living out the prayers of our ancestors. As with many prophesies, Black Elk a medicine man, of the Lakota Sioux and elder of the Catholic Church, believed he had an obligation to help bring people back into the sacred hoop; that they might again walk the red road in a sacred manner, pleasing to the powers of the universe that are one power.

Black Elk said, “We believe there are many hoops, that can make one circle, and one mighty flowering tree can shelter many people, and we believe that place is holy.” He went on to say, “The red road is big enough for us all to walk.”

Our ancestors prayed for us then, for what we should know and do now.

“The old ones possessed the seed of inheritance into the nature that pleases Great Spirit,” added Chris. “The seed grows a new in the hearts of the children of favor. This is a gift of God, to those whose Spirit is open to receive it. God is calling His children unto Himself. One Tribe. One People.”

What if Spirit is using the Indigenous as the saving grace for humanity?



This Sanctuary on the Trail team distinguishes The Gathering in Northern Virginia as an example of a spirit-led phenomenon that anyone can create and participate in, anywhere in the world. If anyone allows themselves to heed the call of The Spirit they can bring their community together, starting with local heritage events.

Spiritually, Chris and René Locklear White, along with a strong group of elders, were led by Spirit to bring people together for the first gathering in 2015. The initial event relied on Spirit within the community to bring people together. More than 5,000 people participated. The Gathering 2017 is expected to double in participation.

“In following the Spirit, we believe that Spirit is bringing something new to those whose hearts are open to receive it,” said Chris who is also CEO of Sanctuary on the Trail. “We have an expectation that a spiritual phenomenon is going to happen and it does. That is the way we live our lives.”

The Gathering is a safe place that can foster a personal spiritual connection with a higher power and respect for one’s personal heritage.

“Within humanity, there is a God-sized plan at work by our communities gathering together in the spirit of love,” said René. “We walk in faith every day to see what opens up. We don’t have it all figured out. It is one step at a time. What is happening for us, is happening for those people gathering with us and it is measurable, real and true.”



The Sanctuary on the Trail group of volunteers came together with the idea that they are “creators;” that we all can create our own future. As The Gathering, “common-unity” of volunteers, they are creating space to gather people together into one sacred hoop. They are creating extraordinary possibilities, which will impact the next seven generations. “The work we are doing now collectively may not be realized in our lifetime,” Chris said. “It’s a goal we’re working towards, which will benefit people beyond any of our expectations or imaginations.”

See Also

Events like “The Gathering” prove our interconnectedness. We are all different colors and textures and our relations are the tapestries.

Chris and René Locklear White believe bringing people back into the sacred hoop is not impossible, it is inevitable.

It is a new tribe rising. Attend The Gathering in Virginia and see if you see it too.



The Gathering 2017

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