Telling Stories in the Age of Conception

by Kara Johnstad
Telling Our Stories in the Conception Age
There is a movement happening in recent years. It is the movement of conscious storytelling, in which we connect with our close network of friends. It is a deeply satisfying experience when we tell our stories, giving expression to our experience.
We adore the feeling of connection, and everybody loves a good story. So, how is this part of the creative, evolutionary process? It might be said that the greatest connections happen through great storytelling. In “The Whole New Mind,” author Daniel Pink talks about us leaving the “Information Age” and entering the “Conception Age.”
Information Age Tycoons Versus Conception Age Stars
If the iconic figures of the information age were Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, who are the people that are going to lead us in these new times? Who are the conception age stars that shine brightly in the firmament? Where are all this technology and its ability to connect the world at a rapid pace taking us?
History teaches that the emperors and religious leaders of old had the monopoly on the stories performed and shared publicly. Few people had the chance to perform, with only a few stories permitted. The performance of these storied aligned with exactly how the powerful aristocracy and clergy wished audiences to perceive them.
Over time, despite the mainstream stories and news that we ingest on a regular basis, most of us starve. Due to the lack of expressing our own authentic stories, we starve intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Rather than swallowing anything that comes our way, we much prefer valuing our own life experiences—and the concepts and inspirations through which we consciously live.
The Value of Telling Our Stories in the Conception Age
We now understand the powerful social media tools, and many of us actively use them. Internet connectivity changes and reshapes our world as we perceive it and live in it. We understand the value that every one of us has a voice in this world.
starts with YOU owning your story!
There are billions of people on earth, and only ONE of them walks in your shoes! Owning our own story is a big responsibility. We can no longer blame the media or the record labels or the film industry for producing things we want or do not want to see. We now have the keys to the kingdom of expression in our own hands:
We have the freedom to create and publish our own works!
(Bye-bye, big labels, and publishers.)
We have the freedom to work in any format!
(Hello, seven-minute radio hits.)
We have the freedom to distribute our works worldwide!
(Hooray, Amazon, iTunes, Etsy, YouTube and others; we love you!)
We happily create and share our stories globally
while being on the move!
(Uploading it within the blink of an eye.)
Okay, but why is this so revolutionary? Because the greatest connections happen through powerful stories, bringing the Global Mind – Global Heart to life!
Connecting with Our Storytelling Abilities
In the Online Voice Programs offered at OMTimes, clients shine when each of us taps into our source. The simple secrets are:
find access to your own source of creativity and start owning who you truly are.
relax with your own stories, be it the good, bad or ugly ones,
simply celebrate all there is to be experienced.
then transformation sets in, and a power arises which is unstoppable!
Those of us who dare to put our mark on this world is not afraid of what anyone else says. Each unique expression could “stick out” or be a “misfit,” yet deep down these are the stars, the ones who move us to explore new places. Why? Because they own and embody their story! We are all waiting to expose this magic puzzle piece.
As we learn the art of embracing our own, unique story, we bring honor to who we are.
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About the Author
Kara Johnstad is an OMTimes Expert, Transformational Catalyst and a powerful voice in the time and age of transition. She is an acclaimed singer/songwriter, producer, sound healer and international voice expert. Founder of Voice Your Essence, Kara has helped thousands with her “break-through” Technique and shares with us the role the voice plays in fine-tuning our body-mind-spirit systems and healing humanity. Tune into Kara’s Livestream every Thursday at 12 pm Eastern Time on the Humanity Healing Facebook page as we co-create a more conscious world. Enroll in her OMTimes Expert classes on Learn It Live, and discover more at

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