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Develop Your Intuitive Gifts With the Help of the Angels

Develop Your Intuitive Gifts With the Help of the Angels

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To fully embrace our spiritual impulses, we must first acknowledge them, explore their meaning, discover connections with the angelic and higher realms, and then develop the skills and daily practice that allows us to develop our intuitive gifts, evolve, and become enlightened. This process begins by tuning into our ‘intuition’ and connecting with the brilliant white light energy of Archangel Gabriel – the great ‘Annunciator’ angel of communication and new beginnings.

You Can Develop Your Intuitive Gifts With the Help of the Angels

by Chrissie Astell

Spiritual development is a journey of many steps. To fully embrace our spiritual impulses, we must first learn to understand them, explore their meaning, put aside worries and deal with blockages. Then we can develop the skills and daily practice that allows us to evolve and become enlightened. Deepening our connections with the angelic and higher realms enable this process. The voyage can take many years. Some would say a thousand lifetimes. But, as with all journeys, it begins with the first few steps.

Almost by definition, an exploration of anything spiritual involves a connection with something greater than ourselves. Often this occurs when we start connecting and communicating, with higher realms beyond the ordinary world. Communicating with God (in whatever form He or She takes for you), and with angels, Archangels, and other energies of a higher vibration, is a holistic process – spiritual, emotional, and physical. But there is a simple starting point – your intuition – and the development of your intuitive gifts.

Intuition is that deep, inner sense of ‘knowing’ that we may trust but find difficult to explain. It can be a simple physical reaction, the ‘gut feeling’ that something is right or wrong. Or at a higher level, it is the mind’s ‘nagging doubt’ or ‘unwavering conviction’ that leads us away from negative situations towards positive and successful outcomes. And when you connect fully with the angels, you come to understand that these intuitive gifts come from Angelic Light, the purest, brilliant energy that lights your way and warms your soul.

Many people have a strong intuitive sense that they may call clairvoyance (“seeing”), clairsentience (“feeling a presence”), clairaudient (“hearing”) or empathic (“sensing” emotion). When you align with the powerful universal forces of the Divine and the loving energies of the angelic realms, such psychic qualities will develop naturally. We gain an increasing awareness of other people’s energies around us – both positive and negative. And we begin to rejoice in the beauty of the physical, natural world and the wider, more ethereal Universe. As our Angelic connections intensify, so does our intuition.

Becoming conscious of our intuition is a vital first step in our spiritual development. Listening, looking or learning to feel for the signs. Take note of your feelings and thoughts. Is there a message? Can you connect your intuition to real-world situations or experiences?

It is common among sensitive people, for example, to feel pain then realize you are sensing someone else’s suffering in your own body, empathically yet involuntarily. Or you’ll be thinking of someone just before they send you a message or “know” who is about to call on the phone even before it rings. You may become more sensitive to what is going on around you, and become more skillful at discerning positive opportunities or potential dangers.

When such situations occur, take a moment to stop and ask for guidance. Archangel Gabriel is perfect for offering inspiration. A powerful angelic being is known as the great “Annunciator,” Gabriel lights the way as the Divine Messenger, the angel of death and rebirth, and instigator of new projects and beginnings.

Ask for a clear sign, one that is unique to you, and keep a journal of where and when the answers come to you. You’ll soon begin to notice your intuitive signs and messages you receive – perhaps your first true connection to the angels!

Gabriel guides each soul from conception to birth, showering us with blessings of love and offers to guide us towards our true soul purpose. This wisdom is within us all, but only with Gabriel’s Divine guidance are we are able to unlock it and put it into action. Guardian of the Moon, Gabriel lights the way forward in darkness and whispers messages of hope, encouragement and creative wisdom in our ears. When you connect with Gabriel, you’ll discover a Light that is pure crystal white, bringing brightness and great joy.

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Working with the angels may feel a little daunting at first, but just as we all breathe the same air, are made from the same minerals, elements and water, and tread the same earth, so the angel energies are available to us all. The ways they interact with you are absolutely unique to you, as is your connection to the Divine.

Developing your intuitive gifts will also awaken other, deeper spiritual skills. You’ll begin to connect more deeply during meditation and reflection. Your self-esteem will improve, and you’ll find yourself able to forgive more fully, heal faster and express your faith more clearly. Wonderful gifts on your spiritual journey, and all of those first simple steps.

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About the Author

Chrissie Astell is an award-winning, best-selling author of angelic books, angel cards, courses and guided visualizations. Following a life-changing angelic experience, she has dedicated more than 20 years of her life helping others to connect with the Angelic Realms through her teaching programs, workshops, and retreats. Her latest book, Seven Steps Into Angel Light (Watkins 2017) lays out her unique seven-step process for personal development and spiritual empowerment.

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