Make the Move – Business in Transit

Do you feel your options are limited and need to make a move? Learn how to make that move with ease!
Business in Transit – How to Move with Ease
By Katarina Nilsson
Stagnation is the enemy of business. And of life. To make a move, or quite literally – to move, is one of the most refreshing things you can do to create new adventures. Even if it sometimes means going out of your comfort zone, letting go is often a bliss.
Creation demands inspiration. Although some people can find it anywhere – in the shower, a park, behind a desk, in a garbage can – it’s no secret that it’s harder to create in a dull and lifeless environment. No one likes being stuck, no matter if it’s with someone you shouldn’t be with or in a place where you don’t belong. Sometimes you simply need to move physically to be able to move in spirit.
Many, however, find the move itself to be quite a heavy task (even when you don’t have to carry the boxes yourself). And yes, things don’t always turn out the way you imagined. I have certainly experienced that recently. Not only have I moved out from one office space and into another – a minor effort that’s already paying off – but I’ve also bought a new apartment. The thing is, my old one didn’t sell, so suddenly I have two! In situations like these, one could choose to panic. But there’s also the choice of possibility. I’ve now decided to rent out my old home and have a few other interesting ideas on the boil as well.
The lesson is that no matter how carefully we plan things, it never happens the way we think it will. But when we are willing to let go of linear thinking – “if I decide A, it will lead to B, and then the result will be C” – even greater opportunities can reveal themselves.
Here are my best tips to “make a move” with more ease and how to feel great doing it:
Ask for a Space of Possibilities
So you’re in a boring office doing the same old thing right now? Only, the world outside seems scary and an even worse option? Instead of focusing on the negatives, start asking questions from a space of possibilities. Questions like: If I stay here, what will it do for me? If I take a chance and move somewhere else, what can come my way instead? Doing business without a little risk-taking is zero fun and to go through life always playing it safe isn’t really that great either. Never postpone the decision because moving seems like a big thing.
Talk to Your Business
When in doubt, talk to your business and see what it demands of you. Sounds silly, right? Well, so does putting a man on the moon. To reach progress, you must allow different points of view and forget about what other people tell you is right. If you get the awareness that moving premises will expand your future, go ahead and do it! By asking your business what it demands of you and yourself how you can achieve that, you’ve already got one foot out the door (which in this case is a good thing).
Trust Your Gut
A room with a view is great, but there’s more to it than that. When you rent an office space or buy a new home, your gut is your most precious asset. Are great communications, nice parks and lots of surrounding cafés and restaurants what your business needs to grow and what your creativity needs to boom? Or is it, in fact, something completely different that will set the wheels in motion? Take your time and don’t just go for the obvious choice. Remember that once you’ve moved you’re going to be there a while …
Call a Friend
Once you’ve decided to go through with it, the real fun begins. Now ask yourself who you can add to help you and make things easier for you. Do you require help packing all your stuff? Who could help organize your home or office space and set up shelves in the right places? Do you require a decorator to suggest colors or painters get that done with ease with a stunning result? Imagine stepping into your brand-new office space or apartment that’s just oozing with great energy. Who and what do you need to make that vision come true?
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About the Author
Katarina Nilsson is an entrepreneur, naming strategist, artist and certified Joy of Business facilitator. Through her business, Eqvarium, she has helped create names for some of the world’s most recognizable brands such as Sony Ericsson, H&M, Toyota, Electrolux, and BabyBjörn. A passionate change agent, Nilsson draws upon the tools and teachings of Access ConsciousnessTM and Joy of Business to support positive change for individuals and groups, whether it be expanding a business, unlocking creativity, inviting play and lightness into life or making changes for the better in the body. | |

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