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A New Way to Governing Ourselves and Our World

A New Way to Governing Ourselves and Our World

governing OMTimes

We need a new kind of governing that supports all living beings. 

by Crystal Presence

In turbulent times, we find ourselves wondering if human beings will allow the Earth to be a place where all living things can live in harmony. We long for a collective experience of governing where war and destruction are no longer a way to create a resolution. We ask ourselves how we can participate as part of the resolution while releasing ourselves from being part of the problem.

The first step in making the change in governing ourselves is the willingness to see things from a different perspective. It means changing beliefs about the essential nature of human beings and asking ourselves what it will take to truly humanize the world.

It means understanding that we already have everything we need to turn things around and we can…


15 Things to Do to Change the Way of Governing Ourselves

1. Embrace the turbulence inside of ourselves, taking full responsibility for our manifestation from our inside out. Asking ourselves if we are part of perpetuating a government that is not of, by and for the people.

2. Be leaders of change by changing the way we lead ourselves. Begin by having a meeting with ourselves. Set our four sitting pillows. One for ourselves as the spirit that is making the decisions for ourselves. The other three pillows act as our emotions, body, and heart. Start a conversation with each of them. Ask them how they feel about their lives and how we are governing them. Listen to what they have to say. For example, a response from our emotions might be, “I’m tired of being repressed and pushed aside, then blamed for the oppression, suffering, and powerlessness you feel. I am your inner guidance system and repressing me disempowers all aspects of us”. Our bodies might say, “You override and push me to exhaustion, I hate you!” Respond and continue until you come to a resolution. Come to a place of governing ourselves in peace, freedom and building confidence in ourselves and others.

3. Draw upon the wisdom of indigenous people, such as the Six Nations of the Iroquois people who comprise the oldest living participatory republic on earth. Their story is all about a governance that is based on the consent of the governed and aligning with the wisdom of nature. Most people are not aware that the original United States representative democracy, fashioned by authors like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, drew inspiration from these intelligent people.

4. Allow the power of nature to guide us. With inspiration from the visionary Matt Powers, author, and teacher, we clearly see the world through nature’s eyes. In his groundbreaking books and curriculums, we can learn how to cultivate a deeper understanding of returning to a world of sustainability and regeneration.

5. Cultivate awareness that we are all connected to the same source and that the resolutions are within each of us. Innovators such as Barbara Marx Hubbard, founder of The Conscious Evolution Institute, reminds us that we can reimagine who we are as humans and change our future.

6. Renew ourselves with knowing that yesterday is not the same as today. Allow our moment to moment choices to be part of the evolutionary expansion of what is possible.

7. Embrace technology as part of a collective nervous system that is saying yes to change. Communicate with cultures around the world.

8. Meditate. Create a silent space for ideas and inspiration to arise from the greater intelligence within each of us.

9. Create a movement to keeping our energy in movement. Allow our bodies to move as we open the space inside for new possibilities. Let go of trying to control and manipulate to have the changes we want.

10. Attune to the evolutionary impulses that are awakening and alive within each of us. Change our perspective of conditions such as racism and terrorism.

11. Acknowledge that we are equal and distinct individuals with a part to play in the whole. Support each person in their unique part of the resolution.

12. Intend, envision and pray for all living being as the celebration of the dignity of our needs as living beings.

See Also
Responsibility OMTimes

13. Respect the nature of breakdown and breakthrough. As cultural media blows up the possibility of existential breakdown, we can stand in knowing that we are connected to a loving source that embraces us in the process of a breakthrough.

14. Notice if we are using people to get a “disgust fix”. We must ask ourselves if we habitually use politics, economics, and other people to stay in the bodily felt sense of self-importance, hate, and disgust. Do we use those to cover up our own feelings of self-rejection, anger, and powerlessness to make the changes we want?

15. Ask empowering questions, “What is the nature of experiencing myself as a catalyst for the beneficial changes I want to see in the world?”


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About the Author

Crystal is a certified expansion guide, facilitator, coach, and author. She has been active in the healing and transformational arts for the past 49 years. Her inspiration created the 5-day integral event called “Freedom at the Core”. Her mission is creating a safe, fun and nurturing space for people to discover what stands between holding back and the freedom they desire.

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