10 Unexpected Ways to Turn Motivation Into Success

You have the motivation, but are you getting the results you want?
Turn Motivation Into Success!
By Joyce Cantu
They say that motivation is the fuel of life, necessary to propel a person to any sort of success, but it is by no means enough to achieve something significant. Filling up a car with petrol and starting it, will not take it anywhere if a driver does not know the right direction. The same is true when it comes to turning motivation into success. A lot of people have more than enough motivation, but they are clueless as to what they want to achieve with it, or, what is even more important, how to go about reaching their goals. It means that motivation, which is their important resource, is being wasted because it is not turned into success.
To avoid the same thing happening to you, read through our 10 nuggets of advice that is provided by a custom paper writer who researched this topic properly interviewing around 20 people of different categories.
Here are 10 Tips for Turning Motivation into Success
Motivation Tip #1 – Set a Specific Goal
One sure way to fail in achieving anything is to set a goal as broad as “achieving success.“ It means that one’s efforts are not being focused, which inevitably leads to failure. To set a specific goal, these 6 questions must be answered: WHAT do I want to achieve? WHO is involved? WHY is this goal important to me? WHICH resources do I have? WHERE is it? WHEN can I achieve it?
Motivation Tip #2 – Set a Measurable Goal
To be able to track the progress and manage deadlines, it is important to set a measurable goal. For example, breaking a sports record is a measurable goal, because it answers these 3 questions: HOW much? HOW many? HOW will I know when it is accomplished?
Motivation Tip #3 – Set Achievable Goal
Perhaps you want to become a NASA astronaut, but you have unfixable eye problems, in which case setting such a goal can only cause you frustrations. Choose something realistic ( but still enough to keep you challenged) and before you set a goal, ask yourself these questions: HOW can I achieve this goal? HOW much time is it going to take? WHAT are my resources?
Motivation Tip #4 – Set a Relevant Goal
This means that it is a goal which is worth achieving, can be achieved at the present time, is applicable and would not be frowned upon in the current socio-economic environment. Cloning a person definitely would not be a relevant goal at the present time.
Motivation Tip #5 – Choose a Time-Bound Goal
It is hard to stay motivated and keep pushing forward if you do not set a deadline. Ask yourself these questions: WHEN can I achieve that goal? WHAT can I do to achieve it, starting from today?
Motivation Tip #6 – Create a Plan
If the goal is to be achieved, each step of the way must be planned in advance. It means sitting down with a piece of paper, creating a timetable and adhering to it by doing something that will bring you closer to your goal’s realization and do it each day.
Motivation Tip #7 – Stop Procrastinating
There is a good old proverb: “Never leave till tomorrow which you can do today .“ And it is the best piece of advice you can follow. Leaving things until the last-minute leads to loss of focus and energy.
Motivation Tip #8 – Form a Habit
You cannot leave it all to motivation and willpower because they will sometimes fail you at some point you will feel like you should just give it all up and leave without turning back. However, once you figure out a way to build a habit that sticks, you will keep pushing forward regardless of your circumstances.
Motivation Tip #9 – Find Something to Relax
Being so obsessed with your goal that you cannot think of anything else, can backfire and thwart your plans because it stresses you out and drains all energy. For this reason, it is important to give yourself a break from time to time.
Motivation Tip #1 – Enjoy What You Do
It is difficult to stay motivated all the time if you do not like what you are doing. Sooner or later, you will lose your focus and give up. So it is important to ask yourself whether you want to achieve a certain goal because it satisfies your inner needs, or only because you are trying to live up to someone else’s expectations and be “successful “at all costs?
A lot of things should come into place to achieve success. As we could see, it is not enough to be motivated, if there is no plan. Being able to create a plan and adhere to it is the common denominator in all these different ways to turn motivation into success. This means employing the so-called SMART goals strategy-specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. But it also requires a person who is able to develop a goal-oriented mindset and do all it takes to reach a set goal and achieve success.
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About the Author
Joyce Cantu is a custom paper writer for Paperwritten, editor, and blogger on different marketing, education, and science topics. She spends many hours on reading and following last news to deliver interesting research to her readers and followers. Connect with her at her profile on LinkedIn.

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