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Choosing Conscious Evolution

Choosing Conscious Evolution

conscious evolution OMTimes

This year, chose to evolve – chose conscious evolution!

Choosing Conscious Evolution – A New Year Resolution that Can Change the World

 By Tara Meyer-Robson

For most of us, our dearest wish is to make a real difference in the world. This year, instead of New Year’s resolutions filled with stress and deprivation, make a resolution that will create meaningful change in the w\orld for yourself and others.

It’s that time of year again when the dreaded “New Year’s Resolutions” lists are created, and we cause ourselves untold stress trying to make radical changes as quickly as possible.

That’s fine and well, but for many of us, the pressure around this time of year doesn’t support the lasting change we’d like to create for ourselves and the world.

A better way is something I call conscious evolution.

Thanks to Charles Darwin, we are aware that evolution happens at a subconscious level, such as the development of opposable thumbs. As a response to a threat to survival, a life form evolves in such a way to benefit all creatures of that species. Obviously, this happens without any conscious intent of the life form in question.

However, we can also help evolution to happen in the ways we desire by using our conscious minds to create a higher collective frequency for all of us.

This can happen due to something physicist David Bohm noted in his theory of quantum potential. Essentially, Bohm showed that while we experience ourselves as separate from others, we aren’t; we are all part of a flowing ocean of energy that is creating and recreating itself based on the frequency of each different perspective (the combination of beliefs and expectations we each hold). This collective-frequency is constantly changing as new thoughts and actions are created and added to the whole. Like individual notes in a song, each of us puts our individual frequency toward the whole, changing the overall frequency with the notes that we choose to play.

The more that these thoughts are repeated, the bigger impact they have on programming the collective frequency to a higher or lower frequency. Each thought or action that is of a positive frequency adds to the overall frequency of the collective consciousness, raising the frequency and changing our collective experience by seeking new experiences from quantum potential. When this frequency is repeated by many minds, this shift tunes into a better way of life for all of us— at that moment, life has evolved.

Each time we choose to co-create a moment in alignment with the very best attributes of life, we are adding a note to the overall frequency of life that tunes all life into a better existence. By continuing to do this in each moment, we become a powerful signal that shifts the universal energy to a better way of life.

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This year, rather than making stress-filled resolutions, we can each make a conscious choice for conscious evolution – to live each day with love in our hearts. When faced with a decision, we can bring our awareness to that choice and make the one that flows with hope, faith, love, joy, and goodness. We can make a choice to stop judging ourselves and others, and instead, to listen, connect, and understand those that are different from ourselves. In so doing, we can know that we are succeeding in our collective resolution; we are, together raising the frequencies of the world to create meaningful and lasting change in the world.

That’s a resolution that we can all get behind.


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About the Author

Tara Meyer-Robson is CEO and founder of The Empath Institute, the leading online training program giving Empaths the help, coaching, and resources they need to go from exhausted to empowered. Tara also developed The Flow Method, a program that transforms the mind, body, life, and spirit with one personal process. She’s the author of the award-winning book The Flow Method: 40 Days to Total Life Transformation.

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