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Top 4 Tips for Good Colon Health

Top 4 Tips for Good Colon Health

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How mindful are you of your colon health?

Make Sure Your Colon Health Is Good

Colon health is important.  Here are the top four tips for good colon health.

Top Tips for Your Colon Health

Colon Health Tip #1 – Peristalsis: Peristalsis is the natural waves of contractions produced by the digestive tract to move food through the colon. There are many ways to stimulate peristalsis, but the most important way is through hydration.

Colon Health Tip #2 – Hydration is often a cause of constipation. Hydration of the colon is key to making peristalsis happen naturally. It is the age-old story about a boat being stuck in a dry river bed. The captain pushed and pushed yet the boat did not move. That night, the tide came in, and by the next day, the boat simply floated down the river bed. (see Chinese Medicine below)

Colon Health Tip #3 – Bulk: The colon requires bulk for it to achieve healthy movement. Optimal intake of fiber is about 25-30 grams per day. The ideal combination of soluble fiber (psyllium husk) and insoluble fiber (flax oil, fiber) helps to absorb water and toxins and adds roughage to bulk up a stool and sweep away built up debris in the intestinal tract.

Colon Health Tip #4 – Lubrication is essential for the smooth flow of stool out of the intestines. Essential oils such as flaxseed oil, borage oil, and fish oil are ideal.


Nutritional Advice for Good Colon Health

Water and other liquids such as fruit and vegetable juices and clear soups are essential in any healing process. Liquid helps keep the stool soft and easy to pass, so it’s important to drink enough fluids. 6-8 eight-ounce glasses per day are recommended. Try not to drink liquids that contain caffeine or alcohol. Although a little caffeine works well as a diuretic, excess caffeine, dependency on caffeine for a bowel movement, as well as alcohol tend to dry out your digestive system.

Prunes are one of the best natural remedies for constipation! A simple handful of prunes will make all the difference. Today, prunes come in different flavors! You can find them infused with natural cherry, grape and apple essence!

Apples contain naturally-occurring chemical compounds known as phytochemicals, polyphenols, or flavonoids, some of which have been proven to have antioxidant activity that inhibits, or scavenges, the activity of free radicals in the body. Cell damage from free radicals can be a factor in certain cancers, heart disease, strokes, and other conditions such as diabetes and constipation.

A diet combined with both insoluble fiber (the fiber that doesn’t dissolve in water) will keep most people regular. You get fiber from eating lots of vegetables, wheat bran, whole-grain bread and cereals, and fruit.

Foods high in fiber are fruits such as apple peaches, raspberries, and tangerines. Vegetables such as acorn squash, raw broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, black-eyed peas, cooked zucchini, kidney beans and lima beans. Also cooked whole-grain cereal, cold (All-Bran, Total, Bran Flakes), whole-grain cereal, hot (oatmeal, Wheatena) and whole-wheat or 7-grain bread.

Juice Therapy is a great way to take advantage of the elimination and cleansing capacity of the organs. This cleansing capacity is greatly increased, and accumulated metabolic waste and toxins are quickly eliminated. It affords a physiological rest to the digestive and assimilation organs. After the juice fasting or juice therapy, the digestion of food and the utilization of nutrients is improved.

Powdered psyllium is a quality source of supplemental fiber. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Otherwise, the fiber will form an obstructing mass, adding to your condition. Start with one rounded tablespoon of the powder stirred well into a glass of water or diluted juice.

Acidophilus: The normal, healthy colon contains “friendly” bacteria (85% Lactobacillus and 15% coliform bacteria). It is the friendly bacterial flora found in yogurt and is essential to the digestive system. When these bacteria are not in the balance, then the person may experience bloating, flatulence, constipation, and malabsorption of nutrients. Acidophilus taken as a dietary supplement may help to detoxify and to rebuild a balanced intestinal flora. Acidophilus aids the digestion and helps to replace the “friendly” intestinal flora.

The power of Green Whole Foods is essential for all-day energy, greater focus under stress, sense of well-being, strengthened the immune system, fewer food cravings and optimum synergistic balance of essential nutrients for total health. Green Whole Foods is a powder that contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, active enzymes, bioflavonoids, chlorophyll and other phytonutrients necessary for optimal cellular metabolism, repair, and protection! These ingredients contain the most powerful combination of nutrients ever known in any grain, herb or food. They contain almost all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll.

Spirulina Blue Green Algae: Spirulina possesses a complete protein richer than steak, abundant organically complex minerals, a wide variety of essential vitamins, and many beneficial enzymes. Spirulina is more than just food. As with Chlorella, it has been shown to be valuable with almost every aspect of health. These necessities are bio-available which means that they are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving instant access to vital nutrients. Because of algae’s high chlorophyll and high nutritional content, it is an excellent part of a cleansing program.

Chlorella Green Algae: Chlorella’s tough cell wall protects the valuable nucleus inside. When it is harvested, it is instantly dried, and the cell walls are gently cracked open. The nutrients inside retain full potency. Once in your body, the cracked open cells release their valuable nutrients. Because it is so easy to digest, your cells get the full benefit of this nutritional powerhouse. These necessities are bio-available which means that they are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving instant access to vital nutrients. The algae provide intestinal nourishment and have a soothing and healing effect on the mucous lining. It works to detoxify and purify our system.

Barley Grass and Wheat Grass: Eating barley and wheat grass is like eating a plate of green vegetables. These cereal grasses, are harvested young and are ecologically grown in nutrient-rich soil. They are approximately 25% protein and contains all the essential amino acids, concentrated vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They have been shown to increase our overall health by reducing intestinal putrefaction and maintaining healthy blood another important component of cleansing.

Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae: This remarkable plant grows 100% organically in the Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon. Blue Green Algae has more protein and chlorophyll by weight than any other plant or animal on earth. Klamath Lake algae are considered to be the most nutrient-rich of the algae.

See Also

Lecithin: Lecithin is produced naturally and is one of the main substances that digest cholesterol in the human body. Lecithin supports the liver and aids in the metabolism of fat. Lecithin is used to strengthen the heart as it clears the blood vessels of cholesterol. It is also useful as part of a weight loss programs to help dissolve fat.

Fiber (water-soluble), psyllium, seed husks, or oat bran are suggested. Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of fiber supplement at night before bed.

Magnesium: The supplement magnesium has been found to aid in the management of symptoms. Taking 200-300 mg of magnesium 2 to 3 times daily has been shown to help.

Omega-3: This fish oil has been shown in many studies, to reduce your bad cholesterol levels and reduce plaque buildup in your blood. By reducing your bad cholesterol, you are helping your body to fight off stress and relieve anxiety, tension and even prevent heart disease! Fish that are high in Omega-3 are excellent ways to help your bloodstream.

Psyllium Husks: A natural plant source of dietary fiber essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Fiber significantly lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.

Add protein and carbohydrates to your diet: Incorporate protein into your diet. Protein helps to keep sugar levels stable. You can find protein in nuts, yogurt, beans, fish, chicken, tofu, and lentils.


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About the Author

Connect with Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. at  Therapies for mind, body, and spirit.

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