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Let There Be Light!

Let There Be Light!

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A heart that is beating and based in light-filled action to humanity sets an example just by existing in their vibration. We see their actions, watch their good deeds and intuitively we know that this is based in love and not ego. Light-filled hearts love to heal others with the same unconditional acceptance and compassion they live by.

Learn to Live in the Light!

OMTimes Digital eZineThis incredible globe called Earth exists in a universe that creates with light. As energy glows, life thrives and grows. We are beings evolved from this brilliance with minds, hearts, and consciousness that has and will continue to evolve and expand. The knowledge we possess now is only a fraction of what is to come. We are learning how to unlock the codes and turn the keys to help connect the spirituality of science in full force.

The energetic forces which propel us to keep pushing the boundaries are waiting for the proper time for us to discover what miracles have always been in front of us. We just have to keep our courage, trust our intuitive natures, and refuse to accept that nothing can be done to manifest light energy! How we bring this to our lives can be complicated and varied, but they are worth it. Our very existence depends on our ability to understand the capabilities we possess in our true nature, which help us overcome negativity and inhumanity.

It is time to shed light on some of the very difficult and alarming situations in our society. By bringing light on the darker side of human behavior, we begin the process of evolving the situation into non-acceptance of its existence. Through that process, we discover how to develop our minds so we that we can help others speak up and begin to heal their hearts and minds from abuse. It is so important that we send light instead of judgment. Visualizing light brings in knowledge, calm and peace not only to our minds but our bodies and spirits as well.

The experience of feeling bliss, lightness of being, is too incredible to describe. It feels like floating on invisible billows, held by loving arms and protected in radiance, at one with existence. Throughout history, spirituality has echoed this mantra. In meditation and during intense healing sessions, the divine can be felt by anyone who believes in its power, even those who might doubt its existence. The euphoric feeling is the rush that stirs our soul to create new thoughts, solutions, ideas which help bring into life the things we wish to manifest.

When we bring our challenges into the light, we set in motion a myriad of energies. Scattering across boundaries and beliefs, we plant seeds of hope and keep shining light until that light grows into tangible, peaceful energy that is accessible and attainable to everyone. The battles we have witnessed between light and dark have nothing to do with skin or hair color, but about the color of our hearts. A heart that is beating and based on light-filled action towards humanity sets an example just by the strength of its vibration. We see their actions, watch their good deeds and intuitively we know that this is based on love and not ego. Light-filled hearts love to heal others with the same unconditional acceptance and compassion they live by.

So much has been written in song and word about the light. The quest to be in it, to see it, to be saved by it has existed in our consciousness here since we became aware. There are millions of people around the world who strive to live in light-filled conscious awareness of a higher force from which our souls originated. They identify as lightworkers, light-bringers or light-bearers, and they hold dear the concepts we can attain higher frequency knowledge to help relieve suffering on Earth.

Balancing these energies is key to being able to understand the why and how of the duality in nature. We all have this spark within us – whether it is dormant from fear or shutdown from false ego – it is there. How we deal and respond to those who practice causing harm helps us heighten the ways in which we coexist on such a diverse and divided planet. The more light we intend to use to create instead of to destroy, the more we ‘destroy’ that darkness. If we take away its nourishment that old dealmaker, darkness, will cease to exist in human form.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

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