4 Steps to Finding the Perfect Life Mantra

Have you found your perfect life mantra?
Finding the Perfect Life Mantra
by Karen Ulvestad The perfect life mantra helps in personal growth, navigating life challenges, and reflects self-growth. Choosing the right life mantra requires looking inward, and feeling. There are 4 easy steps to selecting a life mantra or series of mantras to aide us through our daily lives.
Life can be challenging. It has its moments of complete frustration and unadulterated joy. How we navigate these moments reflects our inner values and ability to cope with life’s expectations. It’s a dance of keeping perspective on the issue and taking care of self.
Choosing a personal life mantra or set of mantras can help keep life events in their proper perspective in our lives. There are mantras written by other people and the ones that seem to come to us in a moment of need. Selecting the right mantra requires a few steps, which are offered below. These are a starting point.
1. Is it easy to remember?
A life mantra that is simple and to the point is easier to remember when it is needed. Its main purpose is to add in focus and creating calm in a situation that seems overwhelming. It is a select group of words that the brain connects with to calming.
Another use of a mantra is to keep the focus on a goal. It becomes the words that encourage us to keep striving to lose weight, run the extra mile, or take the next step in a venture. Life mantras can help us through the challenges that could overwhelm us.
2. Does it feel “right”?
Mantras are personal statements that resonate with the spirit or soul. These phrases or sentences reflect our personal self. It has to feel “right,” and have a connection with the individual using it. These are not a “one-size fits all” word choice.
Sometimes, a mantra is written or spoken by someone else and resonates with our spirit or soul. If it feels right, it is a mantra that inspires the individual. Each of us is empowered to write our own personal life mantras. The only perimeter is that it feels “right.”
3. Does it help calm or improve focus on a personal level?
This goes along with “does it feel right.” A life mantra needs to be crafted to the individual. Some are generic reminders, such as “I’ve got this!”, Or “I’m grateful.” Others reflect individual needs. The word choices empower the individual to remember to stay calm or think before lashing out. These are the important words in our monologue of self-talk.
A personal life mantra does not need to be shared with anyone. It is the select group of words that are repeated silently in mind. These words can overcome negativity, assist in food choices, or help with anxiety. We all have a life mantra. It’s which one we choose to use that matters.
4. Does it mean something on a personal level?
Mantras can help us overcome life traumas or personal tragedies. They are the short, sweet, and to the point self-talk that helps us through these challenges. Often, they can remind us it’s okay to be ourselves, cry, or be joyful. Again, it is personal to each individual.
To be successful, a mantra needs to have personal meaning for the individual. Do the words touch the spirit or core essence? Do the words help put perspective on the situation? Do they help? Each of these questions is pertinent to a successful personal life mantra. It’s all about our self-talk, personal growth, changes, and self-worth.
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About the Author
Karen Ulvestad is a Reiki Master/Teacher, intuitive, writer and Aroma Therapy student. She has been on this path for most of her life. Through the process of learning, she has come to the conclusion that all things are related. She strives to come from a place of balance, peace, and calmness.
Her book “Whisperings of the Spirit” is available at www.Blurb.com

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