How to Build a Special Altar at Home

Do you have a home altar?
Create a Special Altar in Your Home
In a period where people of various religions and beliefs are more comfortable in expressing their connection with the divine forces, having an altar at home has become increasingly common, and even those who consider themselves without religion embrace their spiritual side.
According to different belief systems, there may be a more suitable place to build your altar, but the important thing is to keep in mind the meaning it should have for the house and all its residents. The altar should be the greatest connection to the spiritual world, where angels, spirits of light and deities will transmit and deposit their energies to emanate and envelop the home.
The altar can be made up using many different spiritual symbols; some more present as candles, bells, incense, water, flowers, images of saints and gods, single texts and books; everything that can symbolize your spiritual connection with the divine realms and make beautiful and intimate this special place of the house.
The Feng Shui term used for such a special refuge is the “Guá” or the Guá of spirituality, of knowledge or of wisdom, referring to the place of the house destined for study, the search for wisdom, and spirituality. The place should be reserved for distractions and noise.
Some elements that are usually present in plants are not there for nothing. According to scholars, the energy of this Gua should have the activation linked to the earth and the colors as blue, purple, and lilac.
To make your own altar at home, you will not need so many elements, nor to be very specific in your preparations. The altar may be displayed on a shelf, on a special table, or even on a reserved part of a shelf. Adorn the space with towels and items that refer to your spirituality.
The images of saints and gods, masters and gurus will tell a lot about the branch of the religion or belief system followed by the owner of the altar. It is not uncommon to see altars at home with images of distinct beliefs, however eclectic, this is no problem since the most important thing is to have faith and respect for what is there in the display. These images are usually photos or small sculptures, always positioned in front of those who believe in their powers.
The presence of natural elements such as water, fire, earth, and air are somewhat necessary on altars, especially among the many beliefs and spirituality of people who practice their faith outside of traditional religions.
There are many ways of representing these elements, the air element can be represented by a small bell. The earth, by crystals that decorate the altar; the fire, by candles that act as well-known channels of energy; and water, in general, is presented in its purest form, offered in a chalice or any other suitable container.
In addition to activating good energies, plants and flowers are linked to the earth and often to their own energies and may have very specific functions at the altar. Their colors also often influence energetic and ritual connections, as well as being a widely used symbol of the offering of beauty and reverence.
Incenses are also very common symbols of air offering and way of channeling energies. Some aromatic herbs such as myrrh and frankincense are widely used by Indians and Tibetans in aiding meditation and contact with deities.
Books are representations of knowledge and wisdom and may be present on the altar with a single copy or even if prepared in the middle of a full shelf of them. They bring positive messages, prayers, mantras, and teachings of the doctrines followed by the household.
Incense is a great ally for those who love energizing their home and their environments. Whether at work or anywhere else you frequent. In addition to being very old and widely used, incense is a much sought-after alternative to energy purification. Here’s how to use incense for energy cleansing.
The energies that surround us often influence our unconscious. People who are more sensitive, usually understand a little more about how the action of incense can be positive in several cases. When faced with the energy of an environment, it is possible to identify what risks it presents and therefore the use of incense serves to shield the spaces of bad energies and impurities that want to move us away from the goodness and inner peace.
Incense is used by various peoples, and as in the ancient tradition, even in the Old Testament, incense was used as a form of sacrifice pleasing to God, giving off a very good, calming, and positive smell. Incense is a way of harmonizing an environment and also of purifying an entire house by attracting whatever is positive for all who reside.
Before lighting the incense, it is necessary to understand its importance and the good it conveys. Understand that incense is a powerful influencer in everything in its surroundings and can also act internally, in other words, influencing emotions, feelings, and sensations. Incense will be a driver for you to relax and understand its effects.
Once you understand what incense means, you will be ready to understand its action in the environment. Try to be comfortable with what is being presented to you in the environment, if necessary, and if it is convenient, songs with mantras are always welcome to help energize and harmonize the place.
The incense should be of the best quality, the better the quality, the greater it’s effect.
Light the incense and silence your thoughts, let the scent invade the whole environment and pay attention to this action and the way the incense surrounds everything around you. Know that this is the power of influence that he has and therefore, will always be a great ally in this quest for calm and energizing.
Do not think of anything, just imagine yourself happy and imagine good things, doing this exercise, you cleanse your own soul and attract everything that is positive for you, causing a cleansing in your emotions and thoughts.
Try to meditate during this process of aromatization and energization, think of everything and nothing at the same time. If you observe your thoughts, see how important it is to stop for a moment to contemplate what is around you and also within you.
One of the most interesting places to put incense is in the center of the house so that the energy it transmits can draft through all corners and surroundings, but if there is a need for extra spiritual attention in some place, put it there.
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