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Ask Whitedove June 2018

Ask Whitedove June 2018

Ask Whitedove

Ask Whitedove is the personal advise column of Michelle Whitedove.

Ask Whitedove June 2018

OMTimes Digital eZineQ. Dear Whitedove,

My sister has opened a new business. She leased a space that has bad energy, the moment I walked in I could feel the heaviness. Can you suggest a way to easily cleanse her new office? I’d like to cleanse her home of any lower energy too.

A. Dearest,

Have you ever heard the old saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”? Well, it’s true, but this reference is not merely about hygiene. The purity of body, mind, and spirit is an important element to get through tough times. Too often people can become tainted by their environment, which in turn, affects your being on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Your home and workspace is an important aspect of life while on the physical plane.

Since the beginning of time, prayer ceremonies have been used to transmute negative energy. Many religions believe that it’s important to bless your home, to clear any negativity, cleanse the space, bless it and protect your personal environment. I would suggest that you not only do some domestic cleaning but follow up with a spiritual cleansing too. Consider a clearing and blessing to remove any negativity and bring in the light. This will raise the vibration of your surroundings with the added bonus of protection so that you can spiritually thrive.

Here are 5 STEPS to Clear and Bless Your Personal space


Say a Prayer to God and Archangel Michael with faith, sincerity, and with a pure intent. Tell God what you are trying to accomplish, be specific. With certainty give thanks for their help in clearing negative and residue energies. Meditate and listen for answers and messages as you pray. Light a red candle for Archangel Michael, who is the protector of the physical body and your soul. (Do not blow out the candle, let it burn out. Be sure to use a fireproof vessel) Petition Archangel Michael to protect your family members and yourself. Feel free to use a personal power object, a rosary, Star of David, or four directions cross that has sacred meaning for you.


First, smudge yourself. Then as you move into each room, pray and meditate with faith and certainty, and begin to smudge each room with sacred smoke in a clockwise direction. Smudge with white sage and cedar. What is Smudging? In a fireproof burning bowl, (I use a natural sea shell) light the sage on fire, as soon as it starts burning, add the cedar then gently blow out the fire. Smudging is cleansing the area with sacred smoke. It’s not a fire; it is the smoldering of smoke. Blow on the glowing embers or fan with a feather, to create constant smoke.


Give thanks and bless each room with Holy Water. Sprinkle water in the sign of the four directions. Did you know that Archangels are in charge of the four directions?


With prayers to God and Archangel Michael, put a drop of the Dragons blood oil on your finger and draw a small cross on EVERY window and door, in each room. Dragons Blood is strong protective oil made from the sap (tree blood) of the Dragon palm tree. You can get this at your local New Age store

See Also
Afterlife Assistance


Give Prayers of thanks as you seal the space. With Kosher salt or natural sea salt, seal the space by pouring a small mound of salt in all four corners of each room. Then connect the corners with a line of salt below your baseboard, complete by drawing a line across each doorway. For extra protection: take a box of salt or two outside and put your home in a circle of salt by walking around the perimeter. Never remove the salt, it evaporates naturally.

After this prayerful ceremony, know that you have consecrated your sacred space by giving it to Father/Mother/God. You will be able to feel a difference. There will be a shift to a positive vibration of love and God’s protective light.

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