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The Jeweled Path

The Jeweled Path

The Jeweled Path OMTimes

“For anyone interested in the origins of the marvelous Diamond Approach, here it is: The Jeweled Path. Karen offers an inside glimpse into the DA founders’ passion, truth-seeking, and wisdom—a journey that can inspire your own.” —Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart

Book Spotlight – The Jeweled Path: The Biography of the Diamond Approach to Inner Realization

Written by Karen Johnson

The Jeweled Path
To learn more or to purchase The Jeweled Path, click the book cover!

The Jeweled Path invites you to enter into the story of how the modern spiritual path of the Diamond Approach emerged. With humor and intimacy, Karen Johnson with A. H. Almaas, reveals the personal experiences that birthed the teaching and furthered its development. These profound awakenings—occurring amidst ordinary life—became the building blocks of a remarkable new approach to human nature and to our understanding of reality.

To learn more or to purchase The Jeweled Path, click the book cover or visit

Reviews for The Jeweled Path

“A humble, honest, intimate, lucid, and above all astonishing account of the rise of a remarkable teaching. It’s good to find confirmation here that even pure diamonds don’t fall ready-made from the sky; they must be ground and polished in the crucible of the human heart. Karen’s and Hameed’s four-decade journey of unflinchingly honest and deeply mutual discovery sets a new benchmark in our appreciation of the full potential of spiritual friendship.” —Cynthia Bourgeault, author of The Meaning of Mary Magdalene and The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three

“A rare, intimate dive into the development of a spiritual path. We don’t usually have the opportunity to witness the birth of a path from the perspective of one who is engaged with its development. Nor are we often invited into the lives of its founders as they awaken to the teaching that is emerging through them. Through Karen Johnson’s writing, her humor, her keen-eyed observations, her willingness to reveal her humanness, and her ever-cascading realization, we are able to hear the untold story of the Diamond Approach and experience its profound gifts in a new way. What a privilege.” —Geneen Roth, author of Feeding the Hungry Heart and Women, Food, and God

See Also

The Jeweled Path shows the Diamond Approach in action. We see how the source of this teaching first revealed itself and, in that process of coming into being, how it ground and polished its first human exemplars, making them fit to be its messengers. Johnson so well captures that force and momentum, the bursting into life with clarity and precision, that is the unique heart of this particular teaching.” —Zarina Maiwandi, PhD, Columbia University

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