Dreams: The “Why” of Things

It is through the study of dreams that we can understand our inner universe.
Understanding What Dreams Are
By KayaWe, as humans, always wish to find out the “why” of things and of existence. This quest to know is so deeply ingrained in us as beings that it leads to the opening of immense knowledge hidden inside each of us one day. When we receive dreams, beautiful or nightmares, it is actually an onset of the process to know who we are, the reason for our existence and also the next steps of our evolution. That is the reason why dreams have always been so important in all the traditions, as an advance way of studying and understanding the inner universe. The presence as well as the role of 4 elements of which we are made of, their inter-relation and experimentation within us to create who we are physically as well as metaphysically. Dreams fascinate and amaze most people because they can do things in dreams that may not be possible in reality. But, de-dramatizing them helps one to unleash & attain the true potential within that was latent for so long.
A Mirror of our Memories
When we were small children, our parents often comforted us when nightmares disturbed our sleep. “It’s only a bad dream. It’s just your imagination. It’s not real,” they lovingly reassured us, not realizing that dreams are the Universe’s way of communicating the essence of who we truly are. Dreams are not fanciful illusions; they are not abstract at all. In fact, when we understand Symbolic Language, the language of the Universe, we understand that dreams can be more real than our concrete, everyday reality. How so?
Through Symbolic Language, dreams reveal our subconscious; they accurately and precisely reveal our feelings, thoughts, and actions from our past experiences that have been recorded by our soul in the form of memories. Dreams allow us to delve deeper into ourselves to understand how multiple memories continuously influence our day-to-day lives. Through dreams, we understand the origin of our life’s challenges and ways to overcome our obstacles to become more joyful and better beings. Dreams reveal the deepest truths of our subconscious: of who we were, who we are, and the potential of who we will become. It is important that one understands the cause of the problem or situation. It is all about learning the lessons and evolving. One can open the layers of memories to understand the cause through dreams and attain an evolved conscience by being aware of those patterns that now reflect in the way of thinking, behaving, feeling and changing.
A Note about Nightmares
When we enter the study of dreams and symbolic language, it is important to remember that our dreams, especially nightmares, are only a certain percentage of who we are. When we have intense nightmares, it does not necessarily mean that they are announcing a current problem in our life (but it is possible) or that they will manifest in our concrete reality. Sometimes they symbolize our emotions, thoughts, deeper memories, and blockages that need cleansing for us to live a more Angelic life. So many times we receive dreams where we can see things happening that can never possibly happen in reality, like we can see ourselves in a car that is flying or an attack by aliens, etc. We should never discard any dream because everything has a meaning. We actually visit the state of our four elements of which all of us are made up of, of which the universe is made up. And the nightmares or the positive dreams show up the imbalances and interactions of these elements. This understanding can be used for understanding the reasons for various diseases in humans as well. That can also be healed by changing those behaviors as depicted in the dream progressively.
The +|- Code of Symbolic Language
When we start to interpret our dreams, we learn that dreams are not silly stories of our imagination, but profoundly symbolic. Symbolic language helps us understand that behind every person, object, and situation there is a state of consciousness that represents positive characteristics and negative attributes. Every symbol has a plus, Angelic qualities, and virtues that we are in the process of developing as we strive to become better, more compassionate people over the course of lifetimes. Every symbol also can have a minus, weaknesses, and flaws that can be transformed into positive qualities. All the symbols in the dream show a part of us and hence show plus or minus of that symbol in us. Each symbol teaches us something about ourselves. For, e.g., If we see a table that is broken in the drawing room, it will show our own inner difficulty in sharing with others in our social life. It becomes an equation, i.e., broken table + drawing room, i.e., sharing issues + social intimacy.
I have been meditating for 10 years. Isn’t that enough?
Many of us on the spiritual path have dreams and meditations of flying.
Flying feels beautiful. The positive symbolism of flying is an expansion, elevation, global vision, and ability to connect with the multi-dimensions.
Does it surprise you to know that flying also has negative attributes? Flying can also symbolize tendencies of being too airy, of escaping when we don’t want to face situations in our concrete reality.
To understand whether a symbol is + or -, we must analyze its context and placement in our dreams and meditations.
Dreams are the truest mirrors of our souls, our qualities of goodness as well as our flaws. They reveal all of the unfiltered percentages of us that our conscious mind would rather forget. For this reason, dreams are the most accurate reflection of our self. Our ego is left outside on the doorstep.
When we meditate, our ego can create chaos in the beginning. Left unchecked by our dreams, our imagination can spin fantasies that boost our ego. Ego interference is especially common for the seasoned meditator. We believe we are spiritual, when in fact, we can erroneously develop fat spiritual egos marked by profound lacks within we are not aware.
We believe we understand everything; at this precise moment, we must practice the most amount of caution and seek guidance from our dreams.
Dreams discern the truth, returning us back to ourselves.
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About the Author
For more info on Kaya & Christiane Muller: UCM Teaching and Research Center, www.ucm.ca

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