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Using Abalone to Calm Emotions

Using Abalone to Calm Emotions

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Although not a crystal, abalone shell has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings.

Abalone Shell Can be Used to Calm Your Emotions

OMTimes Digital eZineNicknamed the sea ears, Abalones have a flattened, oval shape with the iridescent interior was used by the Native Northwest American Indians as a natural vessel for cleansing, offerings, and prayers. Embracing the colors of the ocean, the shell displays iridescent colors in its blues, greens, purples, and yellows. This unique shell embodies all the aspects of the water element including love, beauty, gentleness, caring, comfort, peacefulness, delight and solace It is soft to the touch from repeated tumbling in the sand and water. Abalone is useful for handling and calming emotional situations and is very soothing to the mind/body. When working through any emotional situation, have abalone nearby as it is believed to be beneficial and promotes cooperation. Abalone is associated with all the Chakra energies. In particular, it seems to work the best on the Solar Plexus Chakra, stimulating that gut feeling. Abalone is especially good for the Heart Chakra, as it gently clears the heart of fear, sorrow, and negative emotions. Abalone allows your intuitive resources to stimulate psychic development and intuition through the Third Eye Chakra.

History: Abalones are small to very large edible sea snails. The shell of abalones has a convex, rounded to oval shape, and the shell may be highly arched or very flattened. The shell is ear shaped and characterized by several open respiratory pores in a row near the shell’s outer edge. The last one is aeriform such that the shell resembles an “ear.” Common names for abalones also include ear-shells, sea-ears, and Venus’s-ears. For thousands of years, the abalone existed with its natural marine predators. Native Americans harvested abalones from the intertidal zone. Asians harvested abalone in California during the 1800s and early 1900s. Shells are part of a living ecosystem, made up from calcium carbonate and grow in the ocean. Many types of shell have been used instead of gemstones for centuries. Abalone shell has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings. In the Apache tradition, a disc of abalone shell is worn on the forehead of Apache girls, on the morning of their initiation into womanhood. Native Northwest American Indians as a natural vessel for cleansing, offerings, and prayers.

Folk Remedies: Abalones has been used for arthritis and other joint disorders, muscle problems, the heart, and digestion.

Feng Shui: Use in the Center area for grounding, balance, good health, spirituality and a sense of peace.

Crystal Cleansing: Abalones can be cleansed and discharged of negative energy every month by running it under warm water or placing it in a bowl of water and adding a teaspoon of sea salt. Charge abalone by the light of the sun and/or full moon for 24-48 hours.

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About the Author

Connect with Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac at Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit.

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