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When a Blessing Becomes Radical Self-Love

When a Blessing Becomes Radical Self-Love

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What if there was more to a blessing that we thought? Here is a look at what is deeper within the blessing that can raise our vibration to a whole new level.

Turn Your Blessing Into Self-Love

OMTimes Digital eZineWhat we find valuable, whether it be love, friendship, gratitude for our job, even a favorite coffee shop that we pass when going for a walk, is a gift. It feels good. In fact, it feels great, because it gave us a moment of feeling blessed. Think about it, that friend that is always ready to be optimistic and supportive. The same one that we can’t wait to connect with. That’s a blessing that feels fantastic!

Imagine a pet that gives unconditional love. There could be a moment that we connect with our pet and everything around us stops, and for a fleeting moment, there is only the two of us. When we tap into that moment, it expands our heart space to allow tremendous gratitude to exist. With all that love we feel compelled to share it. We might take a photo of us hugging our pet and post it on social media. Because we want to share how good we felt at that moment, and how incredible it feels to recognize the genuine love that our pet is providing.

With that greatness, we need to recognize that on the other side is that we stepped up. Everything is about giving and taking, that’s how feeling works. What comes toward us is coming because we are open to it. It is connecting because we allow it to.

If we want to own the blessing that the moment shared and not overlook what it is giving us, then we have to be willing to see the whole picture. What role did we play in that blessing? There is a tremendous amount of greatness that doesn’t appear to us on the surface. Take a moment and think about it.

Our pet came to us at that moment because we were open to it. We allowed for the opportunity to exist. More than that, it is that we nurtured the moment before it even began. We chose to adopt that pet and share our lives with it. We are the ones that give that pet what it needs. Food, shelter, exercise, love, and the space to be who that pet wants to be.

While not taking away from the blessing of having that moment exist, we can choose to make the blessing even bigger. We can recognize that we too have a part in what we feel is a blessing, and with that, we have one more reason for self-love. How radical is that?

To take a moment and recognize the whole picture can gift us with so much more than it initially presented. It is more than just what we are receiving, but also another opportunity to allow self-love to exist as well. It’s so simple to catch a blessing and make it bigger than we initially thought it could be.

So now, it’s not just the good feelings that come with how much our pet love us, but an increase in awareness of what it is that we are capable. It is a reminder that we have stepped up and did what we do naturally to allow that space to exist. It is an opportunity to fall in love with ourselves a little more.

Every time we feel a sense of gratitude, we can empower ourselves to step into our greatness. And with that gratitude, the very next thing that happens is even more compelling than the moment that our pet lets us know we are blessed. A natural and abundant source of generosity comes to the surface, and we share. It causes a ripple of gratitude and kindness that continues well past ourselves, only because we decided not to cut short the gift that is in the blessing we received in the first place. How incredible is that?

It doesn’t contain itself to something as obvious as a loving moment with a pet either. We can feel blessed to have the job we have so that we can make ends meet. With that, we can take self-love to the next level and recognize that it was us who went out to get that job. It was us that took the job and applied ourselves to it every day.

That friend that is always ready to be optimistic and supportive, the same one that we can’t wait to connect with, is there because of what we are doing to allow it. Maybe we make that person laugh. It could be that we are always willing to listen when they want to be heard.

See Also
The Truth Coming Out of Her Well

The gift of the blessing is the opportunity to reflect on what fantastic things we are doing to make the connection work. Don’t discount that we have a part in the scene that has unraveled and let that realization turn into deeper self-love.


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About the Author

Leigh Burton: Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life.

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