Navigating the Retrograde and Lunar Eclipse

This will be interesting. On top of it being Mercury Retrograde, the 2018 Aquarius Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse.
Navigating Mercury Retrograde and Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
by Marc LainhartNavigating Mercury Retrograde along with one of the longest lunar eclipses in a century is going to make for a fascinating and trying rest of July and August.
Mercury is the ruler of all communication. Mercury Retrograde impacts all speaking, listening, learning, negotiations, sales, procurement, contracts, leases, legal documents such as wills and deeds even exam papers. As the old Coast Guard saying goes, “batten down the hatches” on all digital tools, communication habits, financial transactions, travel itineraries, and either complete or put on hold all large-scale projects as this “Perfect Storm” with an intense lunar eclipse approaches starting July 25th and going through August 18th, 2018. It is going to be one “hot” summer!
When Mercury goes retrograde in July in the house of Leo (The zodiac sign is known for drama, over-reactions, self-centeredness, and warmth) people’s ideas, aspirations and projects can be tested due to a lack of communication, and confusion. Challenges and no patience tend to make people lose their temper more often when Mercury is retrograde, and we might be more likely to argue with people closest to us.
Those in a position of authority, power, and control are more likely to make significant mistakes resulting in more chaos, communication crises, anxiety and fear for those impacted by a poor decision-making process. Love and relationships are likely to heat up, and matters of the heart are more likely to creep in during this time. Children and elders may exhibit behaviors of indulgence when it comes to food, activities, sleep and other daily habits. Electronics tend to go on the fritz, payments will be delayed, computers can crash, and software may freeze or not work correctly during retrograde along with a lot of energy, frequency and vibration being created with an intense, long-lasting lunar eclipse not witnessed in more than a century.
What is the good news here? Mercury retrograde is not a synonym for impending doom or destruction for the next three weeks. We still have control over our lives, actions and choices with the ability to change how we respond, observe and think and a few suggestions and recommendations may help in avoiding arguments, communication crises, conflicts, chaos, negative energy and future headaches.
This is a great time to relax, play it safe or just fly under the radar for a few weeks until Mercury comes back from vacation.
Go on vacation or just have a nice simple “staycation.”
Practice a daily meditation that will take us deeper in developing a stronger, more patient and greater understanding of ourselves and how we relate to those around us and our external environments. Self-inquiry meditations are lovely and can assist with this journey
Smoky Quartz, Labradorite, Tree Agate, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Amazonite, and Fluorite will help in settling issues with technology, can bring clarity and focus along with peace and harmony and can release stress and anxiety. Many of these crystals offer calming and soothing energies, clarity and grace and can foster in clear communications while neutralizing negative energy.
~ Take a day off, have a sick day and get some much-needed rest
~ Spend time alone or out in nature
~ Workout, plan productive and positive activities
~ Get into a new book, write a book or keep a journal
~ Observe and don’t react or “think before we speak.”
~ Avoid surgery, medical procedures or operations if possible
~ Allow for more time delays for traveling, appointments, and get vehicles (or bikes) tuned up and pack an emergency roadside kit
~ Renew commitments instead of making new ones
~ Expect to hear or “run into”people from our past, or encounter strange and weird moments
~ Think of the retrograde as a quarterly review period and a chance to pause and finish what has already been started Mercury rules anything that begins with “re:” redo, reassess, repair, repeat, redesign, or revisit
This is a great time to take advantage of Mercury retrograde and emerge fresh and ready to go when Mercury is back from vacation. As the old cliché goes, “what we resist persists” or “the lesson repeats until it completes.” The more we can embrace chaos, crises mode, or a lack of control the better we do and can survive this “hot” summer cycle of Mercury retrograde and a lunar eclipse.
“So much more is gained by feeling, listening and observing.” –The Intuitive Prospector
You will also enjoy Mercury Retrograde Sadhanas
About the Author
Marc Lainhart is an international and tested Spiritual Medium. Marc is also a Radio Show Host on OMTimes Radio, Hiking Guide, Certified Diver, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, Writer, and offers courses on OMTimes Experts. He uses his gifts to guide, transform, and inspire others in connecting to self, spirit, and the world around us! For more “Spiritual prospecting,” visit him at his website Marc is the co-host of Inspired Living, Wednesdays at 3:00 PM ET on OMTimes Internet Radio.

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