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New Moon Crystal Ritual for Change

New Moon Crystal Ritual for Change

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The New Moon is the perfect time to manifest Change in your life!

The New Moon Crystal Ritual to Bring About Change

OMTimes Digital eZineWhen the moon is NEW, this is considered the time of birthing. Birthing new ideas, intention and seeding new ventures. This is also called the dark of the moon. This time also marks the beginning of a major new cycle in your life. It is not yet a definitive separation with the past, but it is a time when old familiar patterns lose energy, and you instinctively feel an impulse for creating new beginnings. Setting your intentions and releasing them out to the Universe to manifest and express.

These are a few of my favorite crystals for the New Moon:


Crystals for the New Moon

Black Moonstone is a great crystal for finance and prosperity. It will help attract a gradual increase in your finances, and you will begin to feel more financial security. Like the new moon, changing to the full moon, black moonstone is symbolic of this “new moon beginning” and the ideal time to plant the seeds of good intentions to watch them grow. Black moonstone will help to improve concentration, particularly in frenzied workplaces. Your home and relationships will feel more grounded and settled when black moonstone is in use. It enhances intuition and inner knowing and connects you to understand your feelings and emotions. Black Moonstone can be used for general psychic protection. Black Moonstone goes well with rainbow moonstone, black obsidian, jet, and labradorite. Black moonstone will also help to increase stamina. It is associated with the earth element, the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the Root Chakra. It has been theorized that black moonstone can protect against the effects of x-rays, radiation, and electromagnetic energies. This healing crystal is particularly good for the colon, kidneys, liver, spleen and stomach and female reproductive organs. It can also be helpful for stroke recovery and brain function. It can be used for painkilling rituals. This crystal can be used to help clumsy or accident, prone children.

Obsidian is actually natural glass that is formed when hot lava is submerged in water. This is a strong grounding stone and is known as “the protector.” It is said to “mirror one’s soul. This stone brings about objectivity, dis-attachment and is grounding. It reduces fantasy and escapism. Absorbs and dissolves anger, criticism, fear, and therefore is protective. This unusual black stone absorbs darkness and converts it to white light energy. It is a warm and friendly stone, which is used at the Root Chakra, encouraging one’s survival instincts and is grounding. Black obsidian brings higher Chakra light into lower ones; cleanses and uplifts. Changes fear into flexibility with the advent of change.


Onyx: balances and grounds thoughts, emotions and helps with stabilizing sex drive. Onyx is believed to promote fidelity. Controls emotional intensity. This androgynous stone is excellent for centering/aligning total person with higher powers. It, therefore, essentially balance yin and yang energies. Banishes grief, enhance self-control, helps with wise decision-making, encourages happiness and good fortune. Can be used to provide a “peek” into the future, helps one to follow the path alone, promotes personal strength, understand the reality of the moment, become the master of one’s own future. Onyx comes in many colors, i.e.: black stimulates the Root Chakra and is grounding.


Black Pearl: is in tune with emotions, water, and women, especially pregnant women, pearls are a symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence and faith. Because it is from the sea, it has watery and lunar elements. Therefore it is used for balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbing by nature, this mineral absorbs thoughts and emotions and because of this, must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a pearl, it will hold that energy until it is cleansed. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat irritation. Pearl can cool and soothe. It is very nurturing. Pearl is a cold and independent mineral, which is used, ironically at the Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral/Spleen Chakra, to stimulate the heart, liver and emotional issues, digestion, immunity weakness and emotional stress. Pearls are mentally stabilizing, generate beautiful skin and clear toxins. Divers wear pearls for shark protection.

Tektite is a type of natural glass, chemically and structurally unique, of meteoric origin. Tektites are found on earth within narrow equatorial belt 80 degrees wide. They have been found in Thailand, Australia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Tektites usually have a heavily pitted surface. Many have the appearance of being stretched while in a molten state. They appear black, but when held up to the light, you can sometimes see a golden tint in translucent areas around the edges. Assists one in attaining knowledge and learning lessons throughout the travels of life. Balances the feminine/masculine, provides insight, strengthens one’s energy field. Can stimulate thought transmissions.


New Moon Meditation

Start by cleansing your crystals.

Pass them through incense, running water, or in flower petals. It is important to know what type of crystal can undergo which kind of cleansing.



Hold your crystals at heart level. Send them love and honor, mentally.

For what purpose will you use them for? State your intention. When you feel your message is programmed into your crystals, lower them from the level of your heart.


A new moon meditation is a journey into your deeper self, your true self, your real pure note, your spiritual resonance. It is a healing meditation on a multi-dimensional level.

A time of new beginnings. It is about starting afresh, planting new seeds and connecting to your higher self. It is a self-healing and self-discovery meditation. It empowers you with the knowledge and fact that once you can attend to yourself, you can attend to others with ease. It is about renewing yourself, rebirthing new ideas and activating creative life force in yourself and around you. It is a very rejuvenating meditation. This means to plant new seeds, e.g., dreams, goals, ideas, inspiration, affirmation, incantations, mission, vision.

These seeds will grow and flower into your garden of dreams, goals, ideas, inspiration, affirmation, incantations, mission and/or vision. This meditation is for you, for ‘spiritual’ planting, for bringing in the new and creating freshness in your life.

As always, the best place to perform this meditation is within your meditation space. A clear, peaceful space where you can meditate deeply, and free of disturbance. Prepare your meditation space with incense and gentle music if you wish along with a candle. Once your meditation space is set, and ready get into a comfortable seated position and close your eyes.

Using 4 obsidian stones (or any of the stones suggested above, place them in your meditative space, either on your altar or table.

OR on the floor, so that you are able to sit in the middle of them.

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You can then use a 5th obsidian stone, or a master stone (a crystal that is your favorite to work with or one which calls to you.)

Trace the outline of the crystal circle with your master stone (either on the table or sitting within your meditation circle.)

Then place your master stone in the center of the circle. (If it is on your table place it in the center. If you are meditating on the floor, hold it with you – in your dominant hand – sitting in your circle.)


Working with your Moon Intention

If you placed your circle on a table or alter, you can write down your intention on a piece of paper then place it under your master stone in the center of the circle.

If you are sitting in your circle, your intention is in your head.

NOW, spend time with your circle, intention and your crystals.

NOW, gentle breath work can be done, by breathing in and out. On the inhale, take in your intention… on your exhale, release your intention to the Universe.

Spend the time you desire to feel grounded, calm and relaxed. You will know instinctually how much time you need. When you are finished, you can end with a deep breath, a prayer, a large sigh… or simply open your eyes. Your intention has been noted!

You will also enjoy The Top 10 Strength Crystals

About the Author

Connect with Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac at Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit.

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