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6 Ways Personal Rituals Can Neutralize Negative Motivation

6 Ways Personal Rituals Can Neutralize Negative Motivation

Personal Rituals OMTimes

Personal Rituals are a great way to get rid of those thoughts that are preventing you from achieving the growth and success you deserve. 

6 Personal Rituals to Increase Positivity

OMTimes Digital eZineHow would you evaluate your life? Are you willing to spend a little of your time, every day, for you to have the experience that most people do not have? Think about this question for a moment. Let it go deeper. You end up becoming what you repeatedly do.

Acquiring knowledge does not mean necessarily that you are growing. Growth only happens when what you know changes your daily life (most people miss the second part). And it’s not funny how, day after day, nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different? This is the power of daily rituals.

Now, it’s time to think about personal rituals – the little things you do every day. Because these little things will define who you are. Regardless of your unique life circumstances, or how you define success, you do not become successful abruptly. You become successful over time based on how you trust yourself and how you practice rituals that neutralize negative motivations.

Failure occurs in the same way. All your little daily shortcomings (with what you do not learn and grow) come together and cause you to fail. You keep voiding purposedly to do the things that need to be done. One day you may wake up, and your professional life may have gone south. It was not just an unexplained and random incident.

Your life is your “business!” And your rituals make you successful or break you, gradually. Even the seemingly insignificant routines in which you get involved can produce waves of consequences, for better or for worse. So how have you administered your rituals and therefore your life? Are these little things you’re doing everyday working for you or against you?

If you think the answer may be the last, then you will find incredible value in the little daily rituals listed below. This means practicing each of these rituals gradually – one at a time, one day at a time, and then letting them build one over the other. Go from zero to six over six months, or maybe less, but certainly not in one go.

Daily Personal Rituals #1 –  Allowing things to be as they are.

Some things in life are worth changing. Most things do not. Let it impact you for a second. “If you want to rule the animals, give them a bigger pasture.” This is a quote I heard several years ago during a group discussion focused on the power to change your attitude about the things you cannot change. Or do not need to change. To let animals roam in a large parcel of grassland, as a way of consenting them to flow and to have movement, enabling things to be as they are. Instead of trying to control something, you’re letting go, giving you more space – an open grassland, an open canvas.

The animals will be happier; they will roam and do what they naturally do. And your needs will be met as well; you will have more room to be at peace with the way the things in life are. This same philosophy holds true for many aspects of life, going back and allowing certain things to happen means that these things will take care of themselves.

You will have less stress (and less to do) and more time and energy to work on the things that really matter and the things that you can really control – like your attitude toward everything. T

This way of letting it flow does not mean that it is giving up anything. It is about giving in any obsessive “hot button” to a particular person, results, and situations. It means appearing every day in your life with the intention of being your best self and doing the best you know, without waiting for life to go a certain way. The energy of someone who aspires to create something beautiful is far more powerful and rewarding than someone determined to create results with a desperate “must-be” mentality. To genuinely allow brings inner peace and joy and lets us not forget that our outer lives are a reflection of our spiritual state of being.

Daily Personal Rituals #2 –  Slow down, Just try to do one and only one thing at a time.

Try to slow down the pace you live your life. Try to not multitask a lot. Do you get access to social media on your phone when sitting while spending time with family and friends? “Do you have lunch at your table or eat a meal?” “Is the TV always on at your house, even when you’re busy doing other things?” – Do you send an occasional text message while driving? The higher cost of doing several things at once like these (assuming you do not need text and make from time to time) is a gradual decline in your productivity and long-term happiness.

When you get into the habit of persistently dividing your attention, you are partially engaged in all activities, but rarely focus on any of them. And this vertiginous lack of focus eventually causes you to stumble and fall to your knees. That is the power to focus on one thing at a time. Your daily opportunity is to realize that you are the magnifying glass in your own life and that you can intentionally focus the energy you receive from the world on a single sheet at a time.


Daily Personal Rituals #3 –  Do things for yourself – Wash your dishes.

Yes, I literally want you to wash your dishes.

It’s just a small step forward: when you take your breakfast, wash everything you used. When you finish drinking your afternoon coffee, clean the coffee maker and your mug. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink or counter for later. Wash them immediately. Form this little ritual, one bowl at a time, one day at a time.

After doing this for a while, you can begin to verify that the sink has been cleaned as well. Then move on to other things. Put your clothes where they were stored when you take them off. So, start doing some sit-ups every morning. Have some vegetables for dinner. And so on. Do only one of these things at a time, and you will begin to build a healthy ritual of practicing self-discipline, and finally, you will know that you are able to do the things that must be done, and finish what you start. But again, to begin with, just wash your dishes. Clean them and try to wear a smile, while you do it.

Daily Personal Rituals #4 –  Reflect on your actions – Start Journaling.

JK Rowling keeps a Journal. Eminem keeps a diary. Successful people around the world consistently make positive changes in their lives – reflect daily and learn from their life experiences. They usually use their journals to achieve this. If you are trying to get somewhere in your life, you need a map, a kind of a GPS and your journal is going to be that to you. Journaling is Your treasure map. You can write what you did today, what you tried to accomplish, where you made mistakes, and more. It is a place to reflect. It should be a place to capture essential thoughts. It’s a place to choose where you’ve been and where you want to go.

This way, as your time is spent focusing on your inner realms, journaling will help you to organize your mind and your thoughts, and it will send ripples to the world around you. When you bring clarity to your life, you bring your best in everything you do and improve the world you live in. Journaling, no doubt can and will really make a significant difference in the real world in your life.


Daily Personal Rituals #5 –  Gratitude Ritual before Bedtime

Gratitude is the key to abundance. Consistently neglecting things in your life is a tragedy, also very debilitating attitude. This is one of the pillars of negative motivation. When you get lost in concerning thoughts, and lower types of interactions about a life situation you think you “should” have, you miss the beauty of everything you have.

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And you will never be happy if you are not consciously grateful for the good things in your life.

Here’s a super simple five-minute daily gratitude exercise that works wonders for hundreds of people and coaching clients over the last decade:

Every night, before going to bed, think and write down three things that went well during the day and its causes. Just provide a short explanation for every good thing you experienced. That’s it.

We spend tens of thousands of dollars on expensive products, extravagant properties, classy cars, and expensive vacations in the hope of increasing joy. To trust yourself again renewing your self-confidence is imperative, it is one of the most significant hidden benefits of practicing the daily rituals mentioned. In fact, what I did not have before learning to implement these types of daily routines was the confidence that I was able to achieve positive results in my life. I had failed so many times in the past, and I was so discouraged that I began unconsciously to choose procrastination for future attempts to keep the promises I made to myself.

I lost confidence in my abilities and in myself. It’s as if someone else is continually lying to you – inevitably you stop trusting it. The same applies to the promises you make to yourself that always end in deception. Eventually, you cease to believe in yourself. You must restart trust yourself gradually, with small pledges, small steps (your daily rituals) and small victories, because not keeping promises to yourself is negative motivation. This process takes time, but this happens relatively quickly if you focus on it. And it is undoubtedly one of the most important things that can change for ourselves


Daily Personal Rituals #6 –  The ritual of bringing awareness to your “Hot Buttons.”

Most of the things we try desperately to keep, as if they are real, stable, and enduring in our lives, are not there. Or if they are there in some way, they are changing, flowing, not permanent, or only, imagined in our minds.

Now, I challenge you to ask yourself consciously: – What are you desperately trying to handle in your life now? “How is this affecting you?” So, imagine that the thing you are trying to ensure does not really exist. Imagine letting go and just float.


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About the Author

Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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