The Power of Will

The true powers of the human spirit include self-mastery, moderation and the astonishing will which can shine through no matter the challenge.
Will and Willpower
In every human heart there lies a tremendous power in the will. Our ability to exhibit self-control with determination to face our challenges takes amazing courage. Our very will to survive can overcome the direst, dangerous situations if we focus on living instead of our fear.
Willpower needs motivation in creative ways. If it is an unhealthy habit we are trying to change, replacing it with a better option is a good substitute for the loss. We can train our brains to react positively and feel better about our choices instead of mourning what was unhealthy. The same can be said of unhealthy relationships. Many stay because their will has been worn down by emotional abuse. When our will is weak, fear of change, being alone or the unknown can change overpower our thoughts with anxiety that plays over in a loop. In these kinds of situations, we lose the gift of free will and responsibility for our own lives.
Free will means we can choose. If our spiritual connections are strong and our energetic frequencies are on a high, we are able to hear our higher selves and conscious connections. We begin to understand the insight being sent and practice manifesting the events which will keep us in purpose and thrive.
If we are following someone else’s will without being able to express our innermost dreams and desires in purpose, we become less than we might have been. We can feel powerless and fearful of evolution and change. The goal is really for people to learn and evolve together. When one is content to live as they have always lived and the other needs life to be a series of accomplishments, it can become a war of wills.
Concerning each other’s needs, it really can be possible to coexist if both are able to learn tolerance. A support system is an integral part of feeling purpose in life, and some people prefer to live a quieter life than those whose will is to learn and experience as much as they can while they’re here. Free will to live and breathe as we truly came here for.
If our willpower or our spirit feels broken or weak, we may have suffered a deep personal loss or a big unexpected life change. These events can send signals to our brain that make us feel we have lost control. We call it a test of our will because we really are being tested. We can choose to give up or fight back in most cases, with some it is harder to come back from trauma. It can take time and patience for the will to be made stronger. Sometimes an encouraging word, resonating story or the love of a good friend can help mend a soul back into action.
Some believe our lives are predetermined and we have to follow the course that is set before us without willing any other outcome. Others believe we are in control of our destiny by choices and options we set for ourselves before we incarnated here. Their mode of operation is to nurture the will to succeed, to live a long life, to intuitively navigate life as if it were an incredible journey of discovery.
We can choose to believe in the existence of a higher force through which we judge our own actions to attune our energies for the evolution of the spiritual consciousness. We can also force ourselves into believing this is all there is and we had better make the most of it! Either way, the willpower is an incredible force. It has an energy frequency all its own. The true power of the human spirit will always include self-mastery, moderation and the astonishing will which can shine through no matter the challenge.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.