How to Practice Spiritual Optimism

The Earth needs our Spiritual Optimism now to create the energy to heal it. If we know right and wrong in our humanity, if it is possible to become part of the human mind to inherit not to hurt another living being, then let that spiritual optimism be our goal.
Practicing Spiritual Optimism
Have you ever known someone who, no matter what you say, continues to respond negatively to your suggestions after asking you for advice? Even if it appears they are destined to complain for a lifetime, remember that your words may just take more time to sink in. You might hear later, “I thought about what you said.” Also, there is more than just one answer to a life challenge, and the solution depends on the person along with the unique circumstances they are facing. We as humans operate on different levels of understanding. It’s not a judgment of good or better but of vibration, soul level, and maturity. We are on this Earth in a giant classroom filled with every ridiculous mixture of blood, bones, and consciousness through zillions of lifetimes spinning along in our own little universe. How do we stay optimistic when there is a divide, unrest, and hatred all around us?
Energy is something we can take responsibility for. Optimism creates an energy of hope and manifestation. If we want to manifest success and true ability to assist others in raising their vibration, it is imperative that we learn to control our energy fields. If we are still bitter, unforgiving, judgmental or seeking revenge, we will create a very shaky ground in which to walk our talk of living in loving spirit. If we could only look at someone and see the beauty of their face. The trueness of their heart through their soulful eyes, reading their words of pain and cry in empathy for what they have endured, we are learning. We learn how to recognize these feelings because we have felt them in the past and we sought out ways to heal them. We hold space for their tears. We also know that there is healing in letting those feelings evolve into a higher form of learning. Forgiveness, clarity, acceptance, compassion, and charity. Not only for others but for ourselves as well.
Spiritual Optimism is learning to flow with the lessons and glow with the blessings. If we are aware of our thoughts, words, and actions concerning our challenges, we can stop the self- doubt and criticism from bringing us and our vibration down. It’s okay to feel angry. It’s okay to feel slighted sometimes. It’s holding onto the feelings and letting them define us that makes us pessimistic. Anyone who tells you that thoughts don’t matter or that we are destined to live as our ancestors are listening to the voice of negativity. Soul mastery takes courage and perseverance. It takes a big heart but well worth the investment.
Learning how to live in the light of the spiritual consciousness while still in human form on the Earth is no easy task. How do we balance these two worlds together so that it makes sense? Very carefully it seems. If we go running off on cloud nine because we can feel the spirit, Intuit for others and heal by channeling energy then forget to pay the electric bill, it will get mighty cold in the house. If we know, there is more to this life than traffic jams, mean people and yes, bills, we are blessed to be sure. Many people have no clue what they are doing, why they are here or how they got here. It doesn’t mean they won’t learn over a lifetime of love, mistakes, missteps, crazy adventures and misguided fortune hunting.
Knowing what you believe in can help keep you optimistic as well. It gives you a base of peace to know that you have purpose and meaning. Helping others not because you were asked to but because it is a part of who you are. The human mind intertwined with the soul spinning in harmony and balance is the real power in our spiritual evolution. How long it takes us to get there is an arguable subject. The Earth needs our optimism now to create the energy to heal it. The energy of hope can permeate the minds of those who have the power to help change it. If we understand this, we understand how history can be used about what to and what “not” to do. If we know right and wrong in our humanity, if it is possible to become part of the human mind to inherit not to hurt another living being, then let that optimism be our goal.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.