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Mercury Retrograde Sadhanas

Mercury Retrograde Sadhanas

Mercury Retrograde Sadhanas OMTimes

Mercury Retrograde can wreak havoc with communication and technology.  Performing these three Mercury Retrograde Sadhanas can help mitigate the issues.

The Three Sadhanas You Must Perform When Mercury Goes Retrograde



In Mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the heavens. Mercury represents communication, sharing ideas, understanding the world, and the will to be collaborating with others. Mercury also represents the human intellect. Astrologically, Mercury describes the intellectual faculties of the individual and his qualities in speech, writing, learning, studies, or doing business.

The House in which the planet Mercury is found in the birth chart represents our thought process and tells us how we learn. This astral position embodies how the person communicates and exchanges their ideas with others; It also indicates which subjects are of most interest to the person and in which areas of life he/she will be able to take better advantage of what Mercury represents.

The other planets that may form aspects with Mercury in the natal chart will affect the thought processes and subjects of interest of the individual, also influencing the way in which the individual transmits their ideas.

Contrary to what would be common beliefs, the retrogradation of planets is a way to reevaluate our actions, procedures, and spiritual ethics. Retrogradation works as the gestation process, a pause where many elements of creation are organizing themselves to a new phase that can’t be readily seen just yet.

We are highlighting three spiritual practices that will help you “detox’ from being stuck, overwhelmed, and frustrated during the retrograde. These Mercury Retrograde Sadhanas directly involve forgiveness and kindness towards yourself.


Mercury Retrograde Sadhana #1 – Chanting Mercury Mantras

Sanskrit is a vibrational language, so the effect goes all over your body. Tradition tells us that sounds can heal and so do chants. They weave frequencies to our system and help us attract and prevent situations from entering our lives.  The Tantric Mercury Mantra provides spiritual benefits but also manifests in psycho-physiological healing. This mantra’s Seed Sounds work at the core level of the human system, the DNA. It is said to be effective for curing an afflicted Mercury in the natal chart and also during the retrogradation of Mercury. This mantra ads four different seed sounds to the Vedic mantra for the Sun, amplifying its power. This mantra can also be chanted as an astrological remedy to mitigate planetary affliction with this planet. The Vedic remedy is to chant it 9,000 times in 21 days (4 malas/day – 4x108x21=9,072)

It is a magical Mantra and can open you to contact different realms and deities. Its use during the retrograde will significantly diminish the bad side effects of this planet and adjust your mindset.

The Mercury Tantric Mantra

The mantra is:


The Mercury Vedic Mantra increases your intellectual abilities to learn things faster and understand them more deeply. It Increases health and intelligence.

The Mercury Vedic Mantra is:


OM Sanskrit symbol representing the creation of the Universe

BUDDHAAYA Name of the deity with the masculine suffix

NAMAHA I salute and honor you

Esoteric Result: Communion with beings in higher realms.

Physiological Association: Central Nervous System, Thyroid Gland, Respiratory System, Arms, Gall Bladder (with Jupiter), Sight, Tongue, Vocal cords.

Gemstones: Emerald, Green Aventurine, Green Jade.

Deity: Buddhi / Vishnu


Mercury Retrograde Sadhana #2 – Practice the Release Evocation

Retrogradation is a perfect time to evaluate what is overloading our system and to determine what energies, feelings, and goals we still want to continue carrying. One healthy practice is to rid of things that may be cluttering your life, not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually. Practice this evocation at least once a day, waking up or going to bed, but, if you can, do it both for the extent of the Mercury retrograde.

I release that which is not mine

I release all obstacles in my path

I Release Limiting beliefs

See Also

I Release Fears and doubts

I Release Those relationships that no longer serve my higher good

I Release pain and suffering as a means to growth

I Release attachment to the outcome

I Release any externalized desire

I Release All that which is no longer in alignment.

3 Sadhanas for Mercury RetrogradePIN IT


Mercury Retrograde Sadhana #3 – Practice Mindfulness in your daily activities

 Mercury retrograde is known to be a period when Murphy’s Law is at play. Crazy things happen, technology and communications tend to fail, and if something can go wrong, it most certainly will.

During this time avoid long periods of multi-tasking or quit it altogether. Try to dedicate time to your daily chores, paying attention to what you are doing, even if it means decelerating the speed you usually perform them.  Retrogradation has a lot to do with a revaluation, reassessment, and reappraisal. Take these three weeks to have a look at how you are spending your life.

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You will also enjoy How to Handle a 2020 Mercury Retrograde and The Enlightening Power of the Stupas

Originally published 23 July 2018

About the Author

Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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