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The Seven Essene Mirrors

The Seven Essene Mirrors

Essene Mirrors OMTimes

The Essenes developed a means of defining human relationships which are called the Seven Essene Mirrors.

The Seven Essene Mirrors – An Overview of Gregg Braden Work

OMTimes Digital eZineThe Essenes constituted an ascetic Jewish group or sect which existed from around 150 BCE until AD 70. They related to other religious-political groups, such as the Sadducees. The name Essene comes from the Syrian term asaya, and the Aramaic essaya or essenoí, all with the meaning of doctor, passes through Greek orum (Greek Therapeutés), and, finally, by esseni of Latin. The Essenian form is also accepted.

The Essenes have left us a beautiful analysis of human relationships. They separated into seven categories the way we relate in the course of our lives.

Wisely, they called these categories “mirrors.” Every moment of life our inner reality is mirrored in the actions, the choices, the language of the people around us.


The First of the Essene Mirrors

Refers to what we send to the one who is closest, in the present moment Do we feel anger, fear?

We mirror anger and fear. Do we feel joy and happiness? We echo joy and happiness. The first Essene mirror of human relationships is that of our presence in the present moment. The mystery of the first mirror is focused on what thing we send in the present moment to the people around us. When we are surrounded by individuals and models of behavior in which the feeling of anger and/or fear dominates, or it can be of joy and happiness, the mirror works in every way, what we see in the first mirror is the image of what we are in the present moment.


The Second of the Essene Mirrors

Subtler than the first, this mirror tells us about our judgments in the present moment. We can say that it refers to what is imposed on us “subtly.” They are the models that are imposed on us. This mirror suggests the question: “Am I mirroring myself at this moment?” The second essential mirror of human relations has a quality similar to the previous one, but it is a bit subtler. Instead of reflecting on everything we are, it shows what we judge in the present moment. If you are surrounded by people in whom the behavior model causes frustration or triggers feelings of anger or bitterness and realizes that these models are not yours at that moment, then ask yourself, “Are you showing me myself in the present moment?” If you can honestly say no, there is a good chance that it is showing you what you are judging at that moment.

The Third of the Essene Mirrors

It refers to that beautiful sensation when we look into someone’s eyes, and we are drawn to it when something magical happens, and we want to spend as much time as possible with this person. The explanation is that we find in these cases something that we have lost, that we leave behind, to survive in this world.

These magical encounters mirror something we have lost, abandoned, or been taken away from. The third essential mirror of human relations is one of the easiest to recognize because we perceive it every time we are in the presence of a person and look into our eyes. Something magical happens at that moment. In the presence of this person, we feel like an electric shock, the hairs are creeping. What happens at that moment? Through the wisdom of the third mirror is allowed access to Innocence, we renounce much of ourselves to survive the experience of life. We can lose without us noticing the self-control exercised by those who have a particular “power” over us.

Sometimes when we are faced with people embodying the same things that we have lost in the past and are looking for to reach our totality, our body expresses a physiological response that we understand as a kind of magnetic attraction for that person. You stand before someone, and for whatever unexplainable reason you feel the need to spend more time with that person, ask yourself, “What is this person have that I have lost or abandoned or been taken away from me?” The answer may surprise you since you have almost always recognized a sense of familiarity with virtually everyone who passes you by. This is the mystery of the third essential mirror of human relationships.


The Fourth of the Essene Mirrors

It is qualitatively different from other mirrors. We talk here about compulsive behaviors and addictions. In this mirror are certain behaviors that give both importance and great value, we eventually reorganize our lives to welcome them. When we talk about addiction, dependence, and compulsion, many people just imagine the drugs and alcohol, which are certainly capable of creating such behaviors.

We are not just talking about them, but some more subtle addictions, such as family control, dependence on sex and others.

The Essene fourth mirror of human relations is somewhat of a different quality. Often over the years, we adopt behavioral models that become so important that we can reorganize the rest of our lives to be able to live with them. Often such behaviors are compulsive and could influence the creation of addiction.

The fourth mirror of human relationships allows us to observe ourselves in a state of dependence and compulsion. Through these feelings, we slowly give up the things that are most valuable to us. That is, as we yield to compulsion and addiction, we slowly give up the things we love most.


The Fifth of the Essene Mirrors

Perhaps the most intense of all mirrors, the fifth mirror refers to the way we live our lives. This mirror shows us how much our parents had influenced our lives. Heavenly Father and Mother, the masculine and the feminine, represent our parents, so everything that refers to how we live our divinity on Earth is related to our parents. Through their relationship or from what we have learned with our parents, our beliefs and vision of God are born. If we always feel judged or have the feeling of “not being able or sufficient in what we do,” it reflects our relationship with our parents.

This allows you to see better and more deeply why we live life in a certain way. The fifth mirror shows us our parents and the interaction with them.

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This mirror asks us to admit that our actions about us reflect our beliefs and expectations regarding what is sacred to us, namely our Heavenly Father and Mother, the Sacred Masculine and The Sacred Feminine aspects of our Creator. It is through our relationship with our parents that we realize our beliefs and expectations about God, the creator, or what is most important to us.


The Sixth of the Essene Mirrors

Called “dark night of the soul,” this mirror reflects that through challenges and difficulties we can overcome with grace and ease. Each difficulty shows us the possibility of overcoming and reaching higher levels of mastery. In this mirror, we can lose everything we have, be naked before the “dark night of the soul” to find trust in Life.

The sixth mirror of human relations has a rather sinister name, it is known by Ageless Wisdom as the “Dark Night of the Soul.” It means that every challenge we face in our lives is a test. These are lessons we must learn to “develop” our soul. However difficult it may be, we must always act calmly, wisely and even a little coldly, not reacting to things, so that we can finally learn from that experience we are going through. Is exactly as Albert Einstein said that it is at the time of greatest crisis that we grow and learn more.


The Seventh of the Essene Mirrors

It is the subtlest and often the most difficult mirror to be accepted. It asks us to believe that any experience in our life is perfect. No matter the result, here we are invited not to follow the limits imposed by others. The only goal and point of reference in our life must be ourselves. It is the simplest, and perhaps the most difficult to be believed. The seventh mystery of human relationships shows you that everything that happens in your life is in Divine Order. Just know this and manage your feelings about events. The Universe takes care of everything entirely.


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