Are You Experiencing Spiritual Awakening?

We are all going through a spiritual awakening, but what exactly does that entail?
What Is Spiritual Awakening?
By Rachel Horton WhiteMany people are starting to have what is often called a spiritual awakening. With our renewed interest in spirituality, many of us wonder if the internal shifts we feel can be explained by awakening in our lives. In fact, we are all undergoing a massive growth in our awareness as part of the intense energies now felt on the planet.
There are many definitions out there as to what exactly a spiritual awakening is. Does it mean someone is more evolved or enlightened? No, not necessarily. It generally does mean that we now identify with our higher consciousness, with the understanding that we are connected to all that is in existence, and that the concerns of the ego, or the lower self, are no longer running our lives anymore. Another common experience in awakening is seeing that reality is not what we thought it was. We begin to see through illusions and into the truth about the essence of interconnection, love, and power that lies within each human on Earth.
Going through this process can be disorienting. It can lead us questioning our surroundings, relationships, careers and basically every aspect of our lives. We see the world differently now, and that can mean huge changes in how we experience it.
Here are a few ways to tell if a spiritual awakening is happening in our lives:
We experience magical synchronicities. We find ourselves being in the right place at the right time and other psychic connections that we cannot easily explain.
We notice number patterns on clocks, license plates, etc. (11:11 is the number of activation that many people see now. This often progresses to 222, 12:34, 333, 444, etc.)
Songs, TV shows and even animals we encounter seem to have messages for us. The words address an exact situation that we are experiencing. It feels as if the song, for example, is speaking just to us.
We find that the “old ways” of operating in our lives often are no longer serving us and start to disintegrate (career, relationships, friendships, etc.). Our former identities are being shed as we awaken to who we really are, as spiritual beings connected to each other and all beings.
We start to see through the illusions of the media and the conditioning that happens there. We begin to question what we have been taught by every mainstream institution – religious, political, financial, social – in our society. We acknowledge that much has been hidden from us and begin to look for answers, knowing that not all information on the Internet is rooted in the light. If it does not feel right, it probably is not for our highest good.
Awakening is not just about feeling light in our bodies, but is also about acknowledging the darkness that exists, and has existed, for thousands of years. To continue in our expansion, we can learn to identify the darkness and no longer allow it to stunt our intuitive development and our inner power. Acknowledging the depths of this darkness can be deeply upsetting and feel like we are going through the process of grieving. We ebb and flow through the phases of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Denial is common among people who are starting to see the truth; it is hard to accept when we see what has been done to us. And some people get stuck in one phase, like anger: even though we are “awakened,” we still have egos that contain our self-limiting beliefs and social conditioning. We are constantly growing and evolving as souls, but this soul evolution can be greatly accelerated once we undergo a spiritual awakening.
Spiritual awakening can be a lonely process. We want to share what we feel with others in our lives, but we find that many in our lives do not understand. Some people tell us we are crazy, others get outright defiant. This is understandable: shaking up someone’s reality is like telling a 6-year-old there is no Santa Claus. When their world feels shattered, they may reject everything we say as a form of self-protection. We might thus be discerning around with whom we share our views. We can ask our heart if it is best to speak up to this or that person, and we will always be guided. Gently planting seeds of new thought to receptive people often works better than dropping “truth bombs” on anybody who will listen.
To make it through our process of awakening, we might reach out and find people who see the world as we do and talk about it. Find a group (virtual or in-person) to ask questions and share ideas in a safe, non-judgmental space.
In our awakening, we are being asked to work through the layers of our negative ego selves, shedding fears and doubts that are holding us from sharing our light with others who are beginning to go through the process. Let us not be afraid. We can learn to re-program our thoughts through affirmations, mantras and deep inner work like hypnotherapy. Possibly, however, the most important solution for our expansion is developing a habit of meditating regularly. This will help us calm our worries and help to tap into our intuition and higher guidance, which will guide us every step of the way.
Not everyone is meant to awaken at the same rate. Some of us are here are way-showers to help clear the path for others when they are ready. Spiritual awakening is happening for many people now, at a rapidly accelerating rate. It is an exciting time to be alive as we learn to heal ourselves, our planet and our future.
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About the Author
Rachel Horton White is an intuitive coach, spiritual seeker, and writer. She connects the spiritual to the real world through guidance sessions, workshops, and communities of support with Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting and in her podcast, The Courageous Path. A mother to two young children in Portland Maine, Rachel longs for a world of healing and shared consciousness.
Rachel can be found also on:

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